- 1
Уrror when clicking on the buttons "Categories", "Reset", "SaveTemplate", "LoadTemplate".
#2 opened by Osert - 9
Renamed Addon
#4 opened by JanWaller - 21
Converting your old TidyPlates settings
#5 opened by Luxocracy - 18
Hey hey wink wink ;)
#3 opened by AHigi - 2
Leaving queue
#6 opened by JRDavis91 - 36
About the removal from CurseForge
#10 opened by Luxocracy - 4
beta4: Aura Widget's 'Icon Style ' setting doesn't work
#12 opened by Nukme - 5
Feature Request
#11 opened by Epi1278 - 6
Treat black ox statue as an offtank
#14 opened by villiansv - 5
Hey Luxo
#15 opened by Apoxiosis - 6
quest icon showing on every mob in dungeons
#17 opened by hollo6 - 1
double timers
#18 opened by aden928 - 8
Hi luxo
#16 opened by Mezq - 2
A Couple of Issues
#19 opened by Legitheals - 20
dispellable buffs highlight
#20 opened by hollo6 - 6
Feature request
#21 opened by Golrathx