- 5
Lua errors
#376 opened by rhainstorm - 2
C_Everywhere is not embedded
#377 opened by filliph - 0
Addon Not Applicable to Classic
#378 opened by F-Lambda - 1
2x lua error
#381 opened by morticianoire - 4
Error when doing pet battle quests
#379 opened by sauljaffe - 1
PetTracker Appears to Not Be Functional
#380 opened by AthanasiosCollins - 0
Two options for Zone Tracker to reduce clutter.
#382 opened by AmethySlime - 0
PetTracker multiple lua errors 10.2.7
#386 opened by linda535 - 1
auction house filter result issue
#383 opened by Hypo92 - 2
[BugSack] 11.0.0 Error at Login
#384 opened by Raiukage - 12
War Within LUA Error
#385 opened by stevedenunzio - 4
Can't Toggle petracker on map anymore, can't do anything, LUA errors
#387 opened by KaldiraBlackrock - 25
error on load in (swatter output included)(triggered pr 389)
#388 opened by JPEscher - 0
LUA Error: Attempt to index field 'Anchor' (a nil value)
#398 opened by amethystnw - 1
PetTracker lua errors
#390 opened by SargonStarblade - 1
Pre-Patch errors
#391 opened by RangerTure - 0
11.0.0 version error
#392 opened by Mike160770 - 0
DropExtend error on version 11.0.2
#393 opened by pcg79 - 4
the glass button is behind new filter button of blizzard, unable to config
#394 opened by JesusMaterano - 9
LUA Error when using item from the quest tracker
#395 opened by KNP54 - 0
Error when starting Pet Battle
#396 opened by sauljaffe - 3
Pettracker calls protected function
#397 opened by sauljaffe - 0
Addon Action Blocked
#401 opened by Duderino84 - 0
Pet Battle crashed with fatality error
#402 opened by sauljaffe - 0
Pettracker Broker LUA errors
#403 opened by Mike160770 - 1
Error with v11.0.5 (retail)
#404 opened by Gaviin1242 - 7
When trying to use an item on the right-hand side of the quest tracker, a disable/ignore error occurs
#406 opened by mcarn - 2
Latest Bug
#405 opened by RangerTure - 0
Two LUA Errors
#399 opened by MechaZao - 0
Error with switcher in v11.0.4 (retail)
#400 opened by Gaviin1242 - 0
Lua Error 11.0.6
#407 opened by rewzone - 1
Excessive CPU usage
#408 opened by filliph - 7
ipairs error
#409 opened by deadlydag - 2
Lua error in petbattle, frog bug ?
#410 opened by Hermonii - 3
tooltips.lua:22: attempt to index a nil value
#411 opened by pcg79 - 1
Pet Tracker not displaying in quest list
#412 opened by pcg79 - 0
Showing pets on the map that aren't in game
#413 opened by ishirra - 2
lua error!
#415 opened by ks2012ks - 0
No Breed info
#416 opened by Scantraxx01 - 1
How to depopulate the large map so I can SEE
#417 opened by linda535 - 0
Switch Pet gives Lua Error
#418 opened by linda535 - 2
In the middle of a pet battle
#419 opened by jhoffeins - 1
pets dont hide when use missing filter
#420 opened by edu5ardo - 1
Breeds not showing correctly in pet journal
#421 opened by Blakmagikz - 0
Pet Switcher sometimes doesn't work
#422 opened by MikeLearnsToCodeToday - 1
Lua Errors
#423 opened by Kodiak1965 - 1
Tooltips.lua:22 Error
#424 opened by PhiraNova - 1
Lua error @character login
#425 opened by EniacR - 0
Does not show up in Cataclysm Classic addon list
#426 opened by roweboy1974 - 1
LUA Error then... i dont know, it's random
#427 opened by fubaWoW