Raid Invite Classic

Raid Invite Classic


Members duplicated, not recognized as in guild

jrydh opened this issue ยท 15 comments


First time trying out the addon. After inviting, everyone on the roster was doubled - one showing as "Not in Guild" and one as "Not invited" - causing the addon to try to invite everyone again, spamming messages that they're in a group already.



Hey, which WoW version are you playing on? Classic/TBC/Retail? Looks like it could be some simple issue with how names are handled now that I added support for realm names in character names


So the addon is correctly inviting people on the roster, but then thinks they are still missing in the raid, correct?


This is in TBC Classic, using the latest 2.3.0 version.

They all got invited, but the addon considered them all still missing and so kept attempting to invite again, yes. Made for some confused members. :)


OK, thanks. How did you add them to the roster list? Via text import, add a guild member, manual player name entry?


Text import with a long comma-separated string


That long string contained the server names "Tina-Patchwerk" or just the character names themselves?


Just the character names, so it was like "Alyanah,Bumpie,Darkmeister,Deveon ..."


Do you still have this roster view with duplicate names? If so you can turn on "Show player realms" in the addon settings under GUI, to see whether they are treated as different people by the addon. That would explain why the addon still wants to invite them even though they are in the raid


Did a fresh test. Realm names are correct and the same as far as I can see.



v2.3.1 will be out in a few hours @jrydh
Could you please update to that version and then tell me if this issue is fixed and everything seems fine regarding player name handling? Thanks!


Maybe this is it? GetRealmName() returns "Pyrewood Village", but you probably want GetNormalizedRealmName(), which returns "PyrewoodVillage".


Yeah it's got to do with spaces in the realm name, which I don't have on my server so everything works perfectly there. I didn't know normalized realm names exist - I guess I should use them for this purpose?


I modified line 206 in utils.lua to use GetNormalizedRealmName(), and I can verify that it now works as intended.


Thanks, I am working on fixing it now, going through the whole code to make sure players everywhere are handled with charname-normalizedrealmname format. If you encounter more issues in the future just open up another issue please!


New version has fixed the issue. Thanks!