RareTrackerIcecrown (RTI) is an addon that allows users to track and share rare spawn timers for rares that are present in the Death's Rising pre-event. The addon takes inspiration from the RareCoordinator addon authored by elvador, which is an addon that has served a similar purpose on the Timeless Isle. RareTrackerMechagon uses a hidden chat channel to communicate with other clients located in the same shard, such that it can always provide the most up-to-date rare spawn timers. Please look at the RareTrackerCore (RT) core addon for instructions on how to use the addon.
- RareTrackerMechagon (RTM) for Mechagon
- RareTrackerNazjatar (RTN) for Nazjatar
- RareTrackerUldum (RTU) for Uldum
- RareTrackerVale (RTV) for the Vale of Eternal Blossoms
- RareTrackerWorldBosses (RTWB) for World Bosses
- RareTrackerMaw (RTMW) for The Maw
Alternatively, you can download the RareTracker (RT) addon, which will automatically add all modules, including those that I might add in the future!