Raid Set Up Manager

Raid Set Up Manager


This addon basically provides a copy of the original WoW raid groups interface which you can find in the social window.
It differs in that any changes you make to the set up won't be applied instantly but stored virtually. Then you can apply all those changes at once by clicking a button.

Supposed use:
As a raid lead sometimes you want to prepare the groups (which player is in which group) before you're at the next boss but some of your raid members are clearing trash going to the next boss. Since they are in combat you can't move them around groups with the basic UI.
With this addon you can prepare the groups and apply the changes when the trash is cleared.

Additional features:
Save and load set ups (rather set up templates)

Special thanks to: Ayune for the awesome button textures

Please comment if you have critizism or requests for additional features.

Planned features:
- automatically sort players by
- - class
- - role (tank, melee, range, heal)
- sort players into groups "intelligently"
- - same number of each role
- - same number of each class
- - maybe additional conditions for current content boss fights
- sync virtual groups between different clients (e.g. so officers can see it)
- filters. highlights players that fulfill certain conditions, e.g. loot need, boss kill. not sure yet where to take the information tho. ideas are appreciated!

How to use:

- use slash command: /rsum or /raidsetup
or press ctrl + o (customizable)

- drag raid members around

- click apply changes to apply what's shown in the addon window

- click undo changes to reset the virtual groups

Please note that while you drag members around joining raid members will be added in group 8 or more precisely the first not-full group from the rear.