SkillWatcher is an addon that shows a small on-screen window that displays all your current profession skill levels that can be "leveled up". On skill levelup, the info window colorizes the text of the skill, an easy visual cue to see when a skill levels up, as well as coloring the skill when it is time for training! Also, SkillWatcher replaces the tooltip for herb and mining nodes, showing the skill range to get a point, as well as common drops. Even better, for people with unlocking skills (Rogues, Blacksmith (key), Engineer (bomb)), the tooltip shows what skill level (or item) is required to unlock the door/chest/whatever. Version 2.2: Updated for Pandaria. Added all mining/herbalism nodes for Cataclysm and Pandaria. Added ability to lock window (options). - Skill coloring requirements may not be accurate beyond initial (red->orange). Version 2.1: Added option to turn off/on the tooltip window thing. Fixed Bugs: "Not Found", Savedvariables (they save on logout and are read back in properly now) Version 2.0: Updated for Cataclysm. This tracks only profession 1, profession 2, archaeology, fishing, cooking, and first aid. Version 1.9a: Adds in the ability to track Lockpicking skill for Rogues. Anything that says "Locked" on it will show the skill range needed, including drops, chests, and even doors! Note: Info for skill ranges isn't 100% accurate. Send me a note if you have reliable info for "Locked" items. ToDo List: Keybindings to show/hide window