


Have you ever joined an LFG or LFR, seen someone's name, and wondered if you've ever done content with them?

Socialite answers that question by tracking the people you do content with and notifying you when you join up with someone you've previously met. When someone joins your group that you've seen before (Excluding guildmates and friends), you can choose to get a notification.

Content Types

  • Dungeon/Raid Boss Kills
  • Dungeons Completed
  • Battlegrounds
  • Arenas
  • (planned) World Quests Completed (optional)


Options can be accessed with /socialite or /scl for short. This will open up the interface options panel where you can configure what kind of content you want tracked, the notifications you want to receive, and tooltip options.

Known Issues

I've become aware that some events aren't firing off properly to point people in groups. * Mythic boss kills don't seem to be counting towards Bosses Killed * LFG Dungeons don't seem to be Dungeons Completed