



This addon tracks the number of times you've grouped up with people.

Distributed on Curse

This file tracks some early planning for cobbling together this addon.

API Knowledge Base

Key Events

  • GROUP_JOINED - The player joined a group (On switch)
  • GROUP_LEFT - The player left a group (Off switch)
  • GROUP_ROSTER_UPDATE - This thing seems to fire several times per group join but is also the best event to track so... optimize?
  • LFG_COMPLETION_REWARD - Fire when a random dungeon finishes and the player is awarded the completion reward. Could use as a "dungeons completed" with each player, event. Not sure if it'd run in manual groups though.

Key API Functions

  • UnitGUID - Store players by GUID
  • GetPlayerInfoByGUID - WARNING: Client must have seen the GUID in that session so this is good for generating data on the fly about a player (even the mouseover) but can't be used, for example, in a summary pane
  • UnitIsPlayer - Verify unit being checked isn't an NPC or something
  • IsInRaid/IsInGroup
  • GetNumGroupMembers
  • GetInstanceInfo - Amongst its returns is an InstanceMapID. May be able to cache that ID and dynamically translate it to get around Localization.
  • GetCurrentMapAreaId - Gets an ID from the current map area which can be converted back in to a localized name with other functions
  • GetMapNameByID - ID to Map Name
  • BNGetFriendInfo - Gets BNet ID by friendIndex
  • C_Timer.After - setTimeout()

API Types

  • UnitId "partyN"/"raidN" - Functions that take a "unit" can use party1, party2, etc to specify which party member. Should make looping through party members a breeze.
  • InstanceMapID - Could be used to circumnavigate Localization and store the ID people ran together. Dynamically convert to localized language ad hoc.
  • friendIndex

Statistics to Track

  • Number of boss kills with this person
  • Number of dungeon/LFR/etc completed with this person
  • Number of PvP BGs completed with this person
  • Last Seen Date (List?)

Friend Aggregation

  • Should be able to see runs with a specific toon as well as aggregate multiple runs together using BNet presenceID

Data Shape


  • GUID
  • BNet presenceID (bnetIdAccount)
  • Name
  • Realm
  • First Seen
  • Last Seen
  • Stats
    • Boss Kills
    • Runs Completed

Group Session

Example: Notify when a group caps who you've seen before. If someone drops and new people join, don't re-notify about the same people, but notify about the new people.

  • Members []
    • GUID



Registers all the events on which SCL should tally an event. Could look something like:

local events = [
        nativeEvent: "BOSS_KILL",
        pool: "BOSSES",
        handler: tallyBoss  -- Function
        nativeEvent: "CHALLENGE_MODE_COMPLETE",
        pool: "DUNGEONS",
        handler: tallyDungeon  -- Callback
        nativeEvent: "LFG_COMPLETION_AWARD",
        pool: "DUNGEONS",
        handler: tallyDungeon  -- Callback
        nativeEvent: "BATTLEGROUND_COMPLETED",
        pool: "BATTLEGROUNDS",
        handler: tallyBattleground  -- Callback

Might not need "Pool" if a custom function is made for each type of event. Or the registrar taking in this array can pass pool as an argument to each callback to make it more dynamic.