Socially Undead

Socially Undead



Addon for the Socially Undead Classic World of Warcraft guild

An easier to read view of the BWL loot list is available at:


Clone the Repository

Clone the SociallyUndead repository anywhere, using any Git app with the URL, or use this command in your favorite CLI:

git clone

Note: don't clone the repository anywhere in the World of Warcraft folder directly. See below for directions on how to load your dev environment in World of Warcraft.


Dependent libraries and vendored in the repository and don't have to be manually installed

Symlink to Wow Addons Directory


> mklink /d "path\to\World of Warcraft\_classic_\Interface\Addons\SociallyUndead" "path\to\repository\SociallyUndead"
symbolic link created for SociallyUndead <<===>> path\to\repository\SociallyUndead


> ln -s "path/to/repository/SociallyUndead" "path/to/World of Warcraft/_classic_/Interface/Addons/SociallyUndead"

Development environment

You can use any development setup you want but Visual Studio Code and the vscode-lua extension are solid and require little setup


See basic git overview here

Expected process:

  • Create a new branch off master
  • Commit your changes to that branch
  • Push to remote (Github)
  • Open a Pull Request

Editing Loot Config

Source of truth for all SU loot priority and DKP info are the X_loot.json files in the root of this repo.

Each of these files contain a list of JSON objects

        "id": 12345,
        "name": "Iron Dagger",
        "dkp": 666,
        "role": "Mage > Priest == Warlock"

Only the id field is required, if dkp or role are not set they will be set to the default (5DKP and MS > OS)

If you want to change those default look in ./scripts/generate_loot.js

Once you've made all the changes to the json files, you'll need to run a generate script to update the .lua files.

Make sure Node.js is installed then execute npm run generate-loot

Open a pull request once you've made your changes.

Releasing the Addon

Once your change has been merged in it's time to release it!

  1. Compress the SociallyUndead/SociallyUndead folder into a .zip
  2. Upload to Curseforge
    • Select "Release"
    • Enter changelog
    • Select the latest WoW Classic version