



Displays spell's damage, heal or absorb on the action bar, like Dr. Damage.
Also displays some potions's heal.


Works only in WOW 7 version and only if Display Point as Average setting is on.
Supports user interfaces: standard, ElvUi, Dominos.

This addon doesn't work in Latin American Spanish (esMX) and Traditional Chinese (zhTW) locales. Sorry.

How does is work?!

This addon just takes some digits from spell's description and displays it.

Slash commands

>/sd or /spelldamage - show commands list
>/sd status - show current settings
>/sd items - enable/disable displays data on items >/sd errors - enable/disable errors printing in chat
>/sd macroshelp - show help for macros usage
>/sd font friz - set the Friz Quadrata font on the action bars
>/sd font arial - set the Arial Narrow font on the action bars
>/sd version - show current addon version

Usage with macros

This addon supports data displaying on a macros. For this just add to macros code #sd id where id - spell's id, which data you want to see. For example, #sd 56641 displays data of "Steady Shot" spell on your macros on the action bar.

Want to participate?

Welcome - https://github.com/Demonist/SpellDamage