



A Unit Frames Addon, modifying Player, Pet, (TargetOf)Target, Focus and Partyframes, as well as Auras.

Key Features:

  • Effective health shown directly on healthbars - immediately see how tanky a target is, just by glancing at their healthbar.
  • Absorb effects are split up and displayed with their respective icons and durations - know exactly which absorbs a target has, and when they expire, at a glance.
  • Party Healthbars get scaled proportionally to Party Health - combined with effective health, instantly see who is most in need of your healing.
  • Easy to use Buff and Debuff filtering -  simply [Shift]-[Rightclick] auras you dont care about and never see them again.
  • Party Frames get dynamically sorted by their Health
  • Remaining crowd-control duration of your allies or targets highlighted next the frame itself.
  • PIXEL-PERFECTION on every resolution - no more missing or double-pixel borders, as long as it's used in fullscreen or windowed fullscreen mode. Version 1.32 and above should support windowed as well!
  • Highly (and easily) customizable bars and frames
  • OmniCD and BigDebuffs support!


Use /srslylawlui or /srsui to open Config Window

Shift-Rightclick Auras to blacklist them (undo by unchecking "blacklisted" in aura panel)


Effective Health (How it works):

Consider a player with 50% damage reduction. Taking only half the amount of incoming damage means their "effective health" is essentially doubled.
This is shown as a differently textured bar directly in the health frame.
Below is an example of a shadow priest using Dispersion, a 75% reduction cooldown, which quadruples his effective health.
There is one drawback, however: neither armor nor damage types are considered.
If a target has different damage reductions to different damage types, displaying that on the frame would become very messy very quickly.
Thats why I would recommend mostly displaying defensives that reduce all incoming damage. Which defensives do get calculated can of course be configured.


Low health Shadowpriest using Dispersion

A low Health Shadowpriest's Effective Health using Dispersion

Absorb Frames:

A mage using Fleshcraft and the Triune Ward legendary has absorbs worth almost his entire health.

Full-hp mage has ALL THE ABSORBS!

A low health DK uses Anti-Magic Shield

Low-health DK using AMS

Party Frames scaling and sorting:

Healthbars are scaled in proportion to the overall party health. Feature can of course be configured and/or disabled.
In this scenario, our last party member's health bar is capped to the configurable minimum width of 50%, so it doesn't entirely disappear.
In normal group settings, maximum health differences aren't that extreme.
Almost everything is highly customizable, including position, size, and amount of aura frames.
Bar below the debuffs (portrayed by Shadow Word: Pain icon) displays when a target is afflicted by crowd control.

Party Demo

Aura Filtering (How it works):

Addon automatically detects when defensives are improved by talents (such as AMZ going from 20% to 80%, or a rogues feint providing 30% overall reduction)

The addon checks buffs and debuffs tooltip texts for certain keywords and makes these easily accessible to the player.

NOTE: Auto-Detection of Defensives and Absorbs does currently not work with non-english clients.

You can easily configure them manually, or use the save-file of a friend with an english client (DM me for details)

Aura Filtering Menu