

Individual Powerbar settings

Individual Powerbar settings

A Druid setting up exactly which bars he wants to see in what form, and in what order.
DK Runes

DK Runes

A Deathknights Runes and Runic Power, automatically sorted by readyness.
Druid Powerbars

Druid Powerbars

A Balance Druid displaying all his active powerbars at once.
Effective Health Priest Dispersion

Effective Health Priest Dispersion

A low-health Shadowpriest using Dispersion - showing how much effective health he actually has.
Absorbs Mage

Absorbs Mage

Full HP Mage has a combined absorb value of almost his entire health.
Aura Filtering Menu

Aura Filtering Menu

Addon autodetects when a DK has improved his AMZ (absorbing 80% instead of 20% damage)
Party Frames Demo

Party Frames Demo

Busy Party Frames being scaled by their proportionate health amount.
Absorbs DK

Absorbs DK

Low Health DK using his AMS
Customize all the things!

Customize all the things!

Custom Empower Bar

Custom Empower Bar

(Default Castbar is depicted below) The last "block" in the default UI is just a hold timer that does not increase the power level - I've decided to replace it with a subtle white overlay.
Effective Health Immunity

Effective Health Immunity

A full HP Paladin in Divine Shield, displaying his immunity as full effective health texture overlay.