- 1
Sushi adds ColorPickerFrame.SetupColorPickerAndShow and breaks version checks
#16 opened by Nevcairiel - 0
Multiple errors in addons using Sushi
#14 opened by ChloeMarie - 0
Cant install this version
#17 opened by GhostAdminOne - 0
Removed global causes Scrap options menu to break
#18 opened by ergh99 - 3
Wiki missing?
#7 opened by Mindustry - 7
[Low priority] Multiple errors on login
#9 opened by Fonjask - 2
Shadowlands, 9.0.1 errors:
#10 opened by yoshimo - 4
Question: Dropdown taints
#1 opened by ckaotik - 1
Drop:IsMouseInteracting Attempt to access forbidden object
#12 opened by Gnarfoz - 1
Leaked global variables
#2 opened by ckaotik - 1
Settexture on header.lua color needs updating for legion.
#3 opened by ceylina - 2
Messed up backdrop texture & Missing CloseDropDownMenus issue
#4 opened by AndreWaehlisch