Torghast TourGuide

Torghast TourGuide

Updated Torghast Summary

Updated Torghast Summary

Now shows Anima cell and Obscuring potion counts along with buttons to use them and the Phantasmic Infuser
Torghast Run Stats

Torghast Run Stats

Tracks various stats for the current run and across all runs.
Torment Listings

Torment Listings

Ability Info and Tips for Torments
Torghast Updated Tooltips

Torghast Updated Tooltips

Tooltips show Ravenous Anima Cell & Rare Mob Power Drops
Torghast Ravenous Anima Cell Drops

Torghast Ravenous Anima Cell Drops

Shows what anima power mob drops when a Ravenous Anima Cell is used.
Torghast Boss Abilities

Torghast Boss Abilities

Shows a breakdown of the Bosses abilities and some tips/tricks.
Torghast Power List

Torghast Power List

Lists available powers and lets you add weighs and notes to them.
Torghast Broker Upgrades

Torghast Broker Upgrades

Shows the list of available Torgast broker upgrades.
Blesing List

Blesing List

Ability Info and Tips for Blessings
Torghast Boss List

Torghast Boss List

Listing and model of all the Torghast Bosses.
Torghast Score Tracker

Torghast Score Tracker

Torghast Boss Link

Torghast Boss Link

Window with WoWHead link for boss and guide
Torghast Rares

Torghast Rares

Lists the various rare mobs and the anima powers that they drop.