Torghast TourGuide

Torghast TourGuide


Tired of having to tab out of the game to lookup info on Torghast? Well Torghast TourGuide gives you many tools for running Torghast dungeons.

Updated Scenario Summary Panel Adds Merchant Anima Cells & Obscuring Essence Potion counts to the scenario summary panel. Any cells or potions in your inventory can be used by clicking on the counter icon on the summary panel. Adds a button for using the Phantasmic Infuser if in your inventory. Adds an Encounter Journal button to the scenario summary panel. Clicking on the button will toggle the Torghast Encounter Journal

Encounter Journal: Can be opened from the Scenario Summary Panel or via keybind. Stats: Shows a list of stats for your curret run and totals across all runs Upgrade List: Torghast Broker Upgrades: Shows a list of available Torgast broker upgrades. Purchased upgrades are shown in Green. Torghast Ravenous Anima Cell Drops: Anima power mob drops: Shows what drops when a Ravenous Anima Cell is used with mobs broken down by floor/type. Anima Power Summary: Shows a description of the various powers Anima Powers: List of all available anima powers for your character. You can add weights and notes for powers by clicking in the ring area to the left of the anima power icon. Weights and notes are profile based on your current spec. Profiles can be set via the options menu Rare Lists: Shows the names of the various rare mobs that can be encountered and the possible anima powers that they drop. Boss Lists: All the current bosses have an entry along with a image of them so you can easily match to the hologram by the vendor on floor 3. Boss Abilities & Tips The boss entry lists the abilities that will be used and tips for defeating them. The tips are from the WoWHead Torghast Boss Strategies Guide Clicking on the I at the top of the Journal entry will open a window that has the URL for the WoWHeadBoss entry and a URL for the Guide the tips are from.

Upgraded Tooltips: Tooltips now show Ravenous Anima Cell and Rare Mob power drops.