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TorghastTeams is the best tool to use when you're running Torghast, Tower of the Damned, with friends, guildmates, or randoms. See what anima powers they pick up and what their builds look like in a simple-to-understand display.
TorghastTeams currently supports the below features.
- View your and your teammate's anima powers in real time in the UI.
- Mouse over teammate's anima powers to see what they do.
- Dynamic anima power resizing to fit the container based on amount of unique anima powers.
- Automatic hiding of frames on party size change, incase someone bails your group. 😢
- Toggle UI with commands or minimap button left-click.
- Swap between UI modes with minimap button.
TorghastTeams currently supports the below chat commands.
- /tgt, /torghastteams - displays help message relating to commands
- /tgt show - displays the TorghastTeams UI
- /tgt hide - hides the TorghastTeams UI
- /tgt minimap - toggles display of the TorghastTeams minimap button
Check out some screenshots on CurseForge or our GitHub!
Everything below is subject to change, but these are feature we are considering releasing in the future.
Track information about your Torghast runs.
- How many times you've picked up each available Anima Power per character.
- Most/least anima powers collected in a run.
- Amount of runs done in a party size of N.
More user configuration options.
- Have a suggestion for some options? Open an issue!