BigWigs Profile not applying correctly after update
devmozao opened this issue ยท 2 comments
BigWigs made a new release that resets the Profile and, since then, when you open the installer and reapply the BigWig profile, it doesn't apply it. It gets the style, but doesn't get the same anchors and size that was before.
Suggestion: maybe create a ToxiUI profile inside of BW, so we can just point to it and no need to rely on the installer. (or, maybe an import code copy button, since they're support it now)
Lua error
no lua erros atm
ToxiUI Status Report
To reproduce
- Update addons
- Once you log in, you'll receive the confirmation box on BW profile reset
- Open the ToxiUI Installer, go to the BW button, apply, reload it.
This should be fixed in, do you mind testing and letting me know?
@Toxicom didn't work on v6.7.0-beta.3
I will try again tomorrow with a clean install on all addons and see what happens. Will come back with more info.