- 2
BigWigs Profile not applying correctly after update
#100 opened by devmozao - 6
Attribute Icons?
#101 opened by Fendoran - 1
Leatherworking profession not showing up
#102 opened by mlussier17 - 4
Lua error after profile selection
#104 opened by HSniBBy - 1
ElvUI Version pop-up
#103 opened by Toxicom - 2
Cooking Fire button on Cooking window
#105 opened by mrkhaglund - 1
You are using the ToxiUI Profile but your Character Profile is not updated following by a Lua Error
#106 opened by Piktrip - 4
Saturation boost causes lua error. Cannot be modified in 6.7.1
#107 opened by somegituser2023 - 3
Suggestion: Tome of Teleportation integration into Hearthstone module
#113 opened by penguinsane - 2
FadePersist 'IsDragonRiding' Lua Error
#114 opened by PlaybackNMD - 6
release.json asset lost between v6.7.3-beta.1 and v6.7.3-beta.2
#115 opened by torkus - 1
Wunderbar not enabled
#109 opened by basauwu - 2
Wunderbar no longer visible after update [6.7.2 -> 6.7.3]
#110 opened by Juanbreezer - 2
Wunder bar - shift + right click to reset character data
#111 opened by JazzyJones - 1
Wunderbar MicroMenu doesn't open Specialization & Talents or Spellbook & Professions
#112 opened by mbryantms - 4
Closing GameMenu triggers an error
#117 opened by Mera42 - 1
Cata ToxiUI Wunder Bar - hearthstone
#116 opened by bullka1 - 4
Wunderbar Hearthstone module not working
#119 opened by Mera42 - 1
Lua error when using VehicleBar while also hiding default blizzard vigor bar
#120 opened by CodeW0lf - 1
Bars reset position when changing between dark mode and gradient.
#121 opened by Dazlock - 5
Power bar on warrior
#122 opened by RaVhen - 2
GameMenuButton Error
#123 opened by spar7453 - 1
LUA error on Reload UI and Login
#130 opened by Nnavs - 5
Add the professional manufacturing page to the additional scaling module
#131 opened by longlixuans - 4
Suggestion: Highlight End of player unit name tag
#124 opened by robrogers - 1
Wunderbar Error
#125 opened by FilthySerf - 1
key up - wunderbar
#126 opened by Sooleawa - 2
Bug: FadePersist misses early Blizzard_PlayerSpells loads
#127 opened by gekkenjuu - 0
Add Professions frame button to WunderBar MicroMenu
#128 opened by Toxicom - 0
Improve Currency submodule's Warbank functionality
#129 opened by Toxicom - 1
ActionBar "Key Down" Effects WunderBar MicroMenu and Hearthstones
#133 opened by ArcheKnight - 1
Bug in Repair Mount
#134 opened by valiztar - 8
ActionButtonUseKeyDown cvar (required for GSE) breaks clcikable Wunderbae modules
#135 opened by wccropper - 2
Quest Objectives Keep DIsapeering in Dungeons
#136 opened by UghMyUserNameWasTaken - 1
In the battleground, I encounter an error when entering combat.
#137 opened by dnxxymcj - 1
Playing the "Light's Gambit" not possible with activated VehicleBar
#140 opened by Exchotic - 2
Wunderbar durability mode micro stutter when die.
#141 opened by dhaern - 1
Wunderbar Strata
#144 opened by Sooleawa - 2
Wunderbar mouseover issues
#143 opened by billriess - 5
Siege of Boralus M+ Season 1 Portal ID still appears to be incorrect
#148 opened by mdpaquin - 12
Empty AFK Screen
#145 opened by billriess - 1
Guild Wunderbar error
#146 opened by Jeor - 0
elvui error
#152 opened by Fuzzler326 - 5
Error when loading BigWigs profile via installer
#149 opened by dsypher2 - 2
#150 opened by Jockulation - 4
Actionbar Keybind issue
#151 opened by doctorase - 4
Error everytime I load the game
#153 opened by psilent8 - 4
Additional Scaling Options do not appear to be working
#154 opened by S1L3NTW0LF - 1
Stuck Pixel with ToxiUI
#155 opened by ThaBlakSheep - 10
Mouseover on currency of WunderBar
#156 opened by dolikemath