ToxiUI - ElvUI edit

ToxiUI - ElvUI edit


Actionbar Keybind issue

doctorase opened this issue ยท 4 comments



I can't keybin Alt macros, it detects it without Alt. Also, when I try to keybind, Bugsack detects errors.

Lua error

38x ...ddOns/ElvUI_ToxiUI/ModulesColorModifiers.lua:38: attempt to call method 'GetWidth' (a nil value)
[string "@ElvUI_ToxiUI/ModulesColorModifiers.lua"]:38: in function <...ddOns/ElvUI_ToxiUI/ModulesColorModifiers.lua:33>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `FixKeybindText'
[string "@ElvUI_WindTools/Modules/Item/ExtraItemBar.lua"]:102: in function `GetBindingKeyWithElvUI'
[string "@ElvUI_WindTools/Modules/Item/ExtraItemBar.lua"]:742: in function `?'
[string "@LibSharedMedia-3.0-8020003/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:109: in function <...edia-3.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:109>
[string "=[C]"]: ?
[string "@LibSharedMedia-3.0-8020003/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:19: in function <...edia-3.0/CallbackHandler-1.0/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua:15>
[string "@LibSharedMedia-3.0-8020003/CallbackHandler-1.0-8/CallbackHandler-1.0.lua"]:54: in function `Fire'
[string "@Ace3/AceEvent-3.0-4/AceEvent-3.0.lua"]:120: in function <Ace3/AceEvent-3.0/AceEvent-3.0.lua:119>
[string "=[C]"]: in function `SetBinding'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_Keybindings.lua"]:161: in function `SetBinding'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_Keybindings.lua"]:176: in function `RebindKeysInOrder'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_Keybindings.lua"]:108: in function `ProcessInput'
[string "@Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_Keybindings.lua"]:4: in function <...ns/Blizzard_Settings_Shared/Blizzard_Keybindings.lua:3>

self = <table> {
 modules = <table> {
 hooks = <table> {
 db = <table> {
 Initialized = true
 bindingsChanged = false
 moduleName = "ActionBars"
 handledBars = <table> {
 defaultModuleState = true
 handledbuttons = <table> {
 baseName = "ElvUI"
 MICRO_BUTTONS = <table> {
 fadeParent = Elv_ABFade {
 MICRO_CLASSIC = <table> {
 enabledState = true
 MICRO_OFFSETS = <table> {
 KeyBinder = ElvUI_KeyBinder {
 defaultModuleLibraries = <table> {
 customExitButton = <table> {
 orderedModules = <table> {
 barDefaults = <table> {
 name = "ElvUI_ActionBars"
button = <table> {
 HotKey = <table> {
text = "C1"
colorHex = "c41e3a"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 text = "C1"
(*temporary) = nil
(*temporary) = <table> {
 HotKey = <table> {
(*temporary) = "attempt to call method 'GetWidth' (a nil value)"
E = <table> {
 mylevel = 80
 Bags = <table> {
 privateVars = <table> {
 modules = <table> {
 myspecRole = "DAMAGER"
 PriestColors = <table> {
 db = <table> {
 Layout = <table> {
 Distributor = <table> {
 MountText = <table> {
 TimeIndicatorColors = <table> {
 WorldMap = <table> {
 TimeColors = <table> {
 ShortValueDec = "%.1f"
 oUF = <table> {
 Classic = false
 myrole = "DAMAGER"
 UFParent = ElvUFParent {
 InfoColor2 = "|cff9b9b9b"
 myname = "Metalen"
 configMode = false
 ActionBars = <table> {
 DebugTools = <table> {
 twoPixelsPlease = false
 ConfigModeLayouts = <table> {
 DataTexts = <table> {
 Config = <table> {
 ClassName = <table> {
 CreatureTypes = <table> {
 Auras = <table> {
 private = <table> {
 ReverseTimer = <table> {
 TagFunctions = <table> {
 myClassID = 6
 UnlocalizedClasses = <table> {
 MinimapSize = 276
 callbacks = <table> {
 hooks = <table> {
 SpecName = <table> {
 GemTypeInfo = <table> {
 StyleFilterDefaults = <table> {
 physicalWidth = 2560
 versionString = "13.79"
LSM = <table> {
 InfoColor = "|cff1784d1"
 AFK = <table> {
 CreatedMovers = <table> {
 myLocalizedFaction = "Alianza"
 myrace = "Worgen"
 StaticPopup_DisplayedFrames = <table> {
 VehicleLocks = <table> {
 myLocalizedRace = "Huargen"
 myclass = "DEATHKNIGHT"
 wowdate = "Oct 22 2024"
 Masque = <table> {
PopupDialogs = <table> {
 Chat = <table> {
 myrealm = "Dun Modr"
 LayoutMoverPositions = <table> {
 global = <table> {
 orderedModules = <table> {
 Misc = <table> {
 LibsMinor = <table> {
 UnitFrames = <table> {
 uiscale = 0.533333
 Minimap = <table> {
 TBC = false
 AnimElastic = <table> {
 ConfigurationMode = false
 media = <table> {
 data = <table> {
 Options = <table> {
 HiddenFrame = Frame {
 Media = <table> {
 name = "ElvUI"
 TimeFormats = <table> {
 configSavedPositionTop = 1312
 ShortPrefixStyles = <table> {
 versionDev = false
 Blizzard = <table> {
 RegisteredInitialModules = <table> {
 TotemTracker = <table> {
 RegisteredCooldowns = <table> {
 SpecInfoBySpecID = <table> {
 ObjectEventTable = <table> {
 defaultModuleState = true
 EditorMode = <table> {
 MapInfo = <table> {
 frames = <table> {
 physicalHeight = 1440
 NewSignNoWhatsNew = "|TInterface\OptionsFrame\UI-OptionsFrame-NewFeatureIcon:14:14:0:0|t"
 Retail = true
 MountIDs = <table> {
 AnimShake = <table> {
 DisabledMovers = <table> {
 mult = 1
 UserList = <table> {
 MoverPopupDropdown = ElvUIMoverPopupWindowDropDown {
 PixelMode = true
 serverID = 1378
 PrivateAuras = <table> {
 MoverPopupWindow = ElvUIMoverPopupWindow {
 configSavedPositionLeft = 539
 OriginalOptions = <table> {
 MediaUpdated = true
 EasyMenu = ElvUI_EasyMenu {
 myspecName = "Profano"
 GetFormattedTextStyles = <table> {
 DEFAULT_FILTER = <table> {
 myspecIcon = 135775
 initialized = true
 ConfigTooltip = ElvUI_ConfigTooltip {
 SpecInfoBySpecClass = <table> {
 statusBars = <table> {
 charSettings = <table> {
 myguid = "Player-1378-0497065F"
 loadedtime = 16158.186000
 Spacing = 0
 Border = 1

ToxiUI Status Report



Screenshots often say more than words

To reproduce

Elvui-ActionBars-Keybind Mode and clicking with the mouse mutton over the skill I want to bind


Which bars exactly are you trying to bind?


Bar number 3


Can't reproduce this, unfortunately.


Sad, thanks for your time. Finally i've binded num pad numbers