- 3
[PTR] Dropdowns Not Present Throughout Addon
#3158 opened by ChrisKader - 0
Templates: icons create 2 glow subregion instead of 1
#3159 opened by mrbuds - 1
New Search Functionality
#3157 opened by 1ps3 - 0
new from template warrior death wish talent show sweeping strike
#3160 opened by ChecksOut - 0
Group & Dynamic Group memory leak maybe?
#3161 opened by datyin - 1
string "Error in: Mag'har"
#3162 opened by Inniebins - 0
9.1 TODOs
#3163 opened by InfusOnWoW - 2
bugs when open options
#3164 opened by ztnko - 1
Importing retail model WA to classic has wrong model string set.
#3167 opened by MacTwist - 1
Editable condition/trigger names
#3168 opened by cloudbells - 3
TBC: Mind Blast Weak Auras Stop Working After MCing Cabal Shadow Priest
#3172 opened by wheatbread - 1
Weak auras just keep disappearing from my guy?
#3171 opened by RyanHunterr - 3
Swing Timer starts on ending cast even when not currently attacking
#3178 opened by Aviana - 0
TSU - allstates accepting non table values
#3182 opened by Ironii - 4
WA Minimap Buton Left Click = Hide WA ....
#3184 opened by walldiv - 1
Conditions Simplification Suggestion
#3185 opened by Todbobsen - 0
Casting Repentance does not restart the swing timer
#3186 opened by ymmib - 0
Display eye icon acting odd for unloaded auras
#3192 opened by BartStam - 2
bug sack
#3193 opened by chishan719 - 0
"ors" should be "ands" when using an aura missing trigger
#3197 opened by BartStam - 1
Arithmetic on Nil value error
#3196 opened by tbrad86 - 2
Load Option for [In Rest Area]
#3201 opened by tct-dev - 1
TBC Alliance Seal of the Martyr
#3198 opened by Searcher314 - 3
Button glow activating when not defined.
#3199 opened by torapier - 2
Can't rename my Auras
#3203 opened by gabaru15 - 9
Weapon Swing Timer incorrect behavior with haste buffs
#3205 opened by Bakamaka11 - 1
Add spell name contains 'word' or spell effect to trigger
#3206 opened by anhell - 2
Disconnecting my character
#3207 opened by Theddasapa - 5
Suggestion: Distribute display to all raid members at the same time via caching and group-channels
#3209 opened by lqnrd - 1
Mod equals relational operator in the conditions tab
#3210 opened by AdamHayse - 2
WeakAuras Companion broken?
#3211 opened by jukx - 1
Holy Shock, Divine Favor incorrectly listed and cant be used as trigger type Spell.
#3208 opened by Dobranican - 1
DeleteCursorItem disabled in WeakAura API
#3216 opened by Renacion - 1
Colors are not being saved properly with snippets
#3214 opened by flazhbang - 0
Trigger based on defense (rating)
#3218 opened by fxrs - 2
Weakaura not loading correctly [Retail}
#3219 opened by Lacktoss - 2
Werak aura + Aurora error
#3220 opened by Axejess - 4
Add UTF8 strings library
#3221 opened by lorientalas - 6
Addon not loading inside game
#3217 opened by JuliGonzalez - 0
WeakAuras.CheckForItemBonusId and extraEnchantID
#3223 opened by Merxxz - 1
Generic health trigger doesn't fire on UNIT_MAXHEALTH
#3225 opened by Kazimazi - 1
Unit Info trigger not updating on load
#3224 opened by Peter-Day - 1
Swing timer not reseting / hiding
#3238 opened by Devo177 - 18
How about a WeakAuras Logger?
#3239 opened by Causese - 5
Bloodlust/Heroism haste buff expiration wrongly affects Swing Timer
#3231 opened by Bakamaka11 - 0
Swing Timer doesn't work for ranged in v3.6.0
#3232 opened by stokbaek - 0
Swing Timer stays turned on indefinitely after combat after 3.6.0 version (BCC)
#3233 opened by Bakamaka11 - 34
TBC: Swing Timer megathread ticket
#3234 opened by TheSorm - 2
3.6.0 swing timer haste fix should be reverted (BCC)
#3235 opened by Bakamaka11 - 10
TBC: Swing Timer with Seal of the Crusader
#3236 opened by TheSorm