- 14
Steady Flight
#5344 opened by coldfire989 - 1
Cannot Open WeakAuras Settings
#5345 opened by darkpsy3934 - 1
Paladin Hero Talent Hammer of Light
#5367 opened by derechte112 - 6
Safe Mode
#5369 opened by emptyrivers - 3
WA can't track prev evoker's stasis cooldown after learning hero talent
#5368 opened by Elnarfim - 1
About the new ''Procc'' glow effect.
#5347 opened by Fierced28 - 1
/wa does not work, chatcommands do work
#5348 opened by freakkater - 1
lua error on login
#5349 opened by Slashfile - 1
Display Settings not showing anymore after adding tick to progress bar
#5350 opened by KampfSchneggy - 0
Item Count trigger no longer works for reagent bank and doesn't include Warband bank
#5351 opened by Roseheartt - 1
Lua error when loading in
#5353 opened by ParalysedBeaver - 13
Guard against mismatched addon versions
#5356 opened by emptyrivers - 2
Tick Offset from progress faulty placement
#5370 opened by LootFever - 1
Arcane Surge Mana cost is incorrect
#5358 opened by Berlinia - 1
Dynamic Grow doesn't account for height and width changes in conditions
#5360 opened by phoenix7700 - 0
spell cast succeeded trigger can eat additional spell ids
#5361 opened by emptyrivers - 7
Add failedType to the default Combat Log Trigger for SPELL_CAST_FAILED
#5364 opened by Guffin7 - 1
Pass the cloneId in triggerState when a watched trigger that uses clones deactivates
#5363 opened by calummitchell - 1
Initialize aura_env.saved
#5365 opened by bartkoevoets - 1
Retail: WagoAnalytics.lua:116 Error
#5366 opened by evilgodly - 11
Passive Talent doesn't work for "spell known" load option when not using spellID
#5405 opened by CrystalBearer - 0
Texteditor ctrl+z undo duplicates every "|"
#5403 opened by Boneshockx - 0
Texteditor ctrl+z undo duplicates every "|"
#5402 opened by Boneshockx - 2
WA_DELAYED_PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD stops working when Hero Talent is selected in Load Tab.
#5373 opened by SweetaurasDev - 10
Glow External Element not working properly with default Blizzard unit frames
#5375 opened by truth76 - 5
Can't right click WAs to bring up context menu to do things like copy or delete
#5376 opened by gabespound - 4
Add a checkbox option in expanded code edit windows to show line numbers
#5377 opened by calummitchell - 10
GetTotemInfo vs GetTotemTimeLeft
#5378 opened by mrbuds - 9
2 Auras have inconsistent CPU time usage (the more I play, the more resources these 2 auras use) and cause stuttering after ~1 hour of playtime.
#5380 opened by TobeeM - 1
"Spell Usable" condition is broken
#5382 opened by Bakamaka11 - 1
WeakAura bug
#5383 opened by CuzaSergiu - 3
[Spell: Action Usable] Option to ignore cooldown
#5384 opened by ManagerWoW - 0
[Spell: Queued Action] IsCurrentAction vs IsCurrentSpell
#5385 opened by ManagerWoW - 1
All WeakAuras go into Loaded/Standby ignoring Load Player and/or Location load conditions
#5386 opened by npaganini - 2
DUPLICATED Reckless Abandon Causing Stutter
#5387 opened by fincike7 - 1
lua error spam
#5391 opened by Typhosy - 3
Manual Icon shows an empty dialog
#5393 opened by tsteuwer - 3
PLEASE "view all displays" = view all loaded displays
#5394 opened by Warzau - 2
Achored To Select Frame recursion causes interface crash.
#5395 opened by Huijiro - 1
Trigger if health is less than x after y amount of time
#5396 opened by Git-BCA - 1
LUA Error on GetSpellInfo when attempting to create a weakaura via the premade template
#5397 opened by duraz0rz - 3
Error on log-in: cannot resume dead coroutine
#5398 opened by Tequima - 2
Permanent Auras Sorting "Correctly"
#5399 opened by Loloup - 0
Lua error while opening /wa in raid
#5408 opened by mrbuds - 5
Aura Trigger Based on Icon ID
#5411 opened by kensylvia - 8
Cell Spotlight request to be added to higher prior in LibGetFrame
#5412 opened by mrgrimms - 2
Support new action: vibrate controller
#5414 opened by LeoQuote - 1
glow when the spell is activated does not work
#5413 opened by tritognait - 1
some unknown bug
#5419 opened by amaxcz - 0
Since Ready giving inconsistent behaviour
#5420 opened by Boneshockx