- 0
Searching for fallback icons returns an error
#3511 opened by don-majkos - 1
Choosing icon causes error with latest update
#3512 opened by komxela - 4
Be able to change the Alpha value of multiple Text/Icon/??? Auras without it resetting the color too.
#3515 opened by epigramx - 0
Haste rating nor percent being queried from Player/Unit Info trigger
#3516 opened by CrowJJ - 2
WeakAurasOption error when changing settings in Display
#3517 opened by komxela - 1
Incorrect information for some factions (the Faction Reputation trigger)
#3494 opened by Nightwarden24 - 2
Import / Export weird behavior
#3496 opened by Translitdk - 1
Offset options for StopMotion aura backgrounds
#3497 opened by Crelam - 1
Can't import groups with long list of nested auras
#3498 opened by deemerz - 0
Missing weapon type 'Thrown' in the Item Type Equipped trigger
#3500 opened by drakkart - 3
'constant table overflow' when opening WeakAuras options (/wa)
#3503 opened by Hekili - 1
Issue with "Overlay Charged Combo Points" & "Deeper Strategem"
#3518 opened by Kogosh - 1
Issues with dropdown boxes
#3519 opened by zaldor30 - 1
Losing all of my WeakAuras upon updating the addon
#3504 opened by lemeziuss - 1
UI:Accessability for big UI scaled (Eyesight)
#3506 opened by pquerner - 1
AceConfig-3.0 unexpected symbols LUA Errors
#3507 opened by FrankMcGovern - 2
Local Error 456
#3508 opened by Johunn - 6
Errors caught when opening WeakAura in-game after having updated/deleted some auras
#3510 opened by Quietpaw - 1
%unit class color formatting not working until players are in range
#3539 opened by BartStam - 0
DBM Paused Timers error in Callback
#3540 opened by Jodsderechte - 3
Lua Error
#3522 opened by betarantes - 7
WAs not showing
#3523 opened by hoviwan - 1
Update auras that are not originally a child of a group
#3525 opened by Boneshockx - 1
False positive error report when using macrotext
#3526 opened by zeress - 0
Cloning Aura Subelement Order Irregularities when Behind Background
#3528 opened by EmElw - 0
Add spell school option in trigger for combatlog events
#3529 opened by Ricoder92 - 3
Spell name Hand of Reckoning not being recognized; Spell ID 62124 works
#3531 opened by raysmith59 - 1
Would like to be able to rename triggers
#3532 opened by raysmith59 - 0
Inverse check on Spell Known triggers
#3533 opened by ZingusWoW - 4
Adding an option to put ticks into a timer showing GCD would be amazing
#3534 opened by DeftMonk - 0
OPTIONS event is gone?
#3536 opened by Translitdk - 2
Bigs Wigs Timer Trigger not reacting to paused timers
#3537 opened by Dradux-dev - 4
So'leah's Secret Technique and Item Equipped load condition
#3538 opened by Surarn - 1
DBM Stage trigger doesn't trigger on "Stage 1"
#3543 opened by Jodsderechte - 2
CDR (cooldown reduction) isn't handled by WA
#3544 opened by asaka-wa - 13
UnitFrame glows do not work sometimes even though %unit is valid
#3546 opened by kenneth-wow - 2
HP delay/wrong value
#3550 opened by devFNL - 4
TBC Player Info Health updates slow/never
#3552 opened by vison2 - 1
Icons not updating on either first or last iteration
#3553 opened by mlbernardoni - 4
Player health trigger not updating properly
#3554 opened by anerud - 1
Don't show all WeakAuras when opening /wa
#3555 opened by allmeta - 2
Broken UNIT_ATTACK_SPEED workaround.
#3556 opened by mullerdavid - 2
Request to add more unitframes to libGetFrame
#3559 opened by Woosuk1624 - 5
Energy Bar dissapears while shapeshifting (Druid)
#3558 opened by Minae83 - 1
LibGetFrame missing comma
#3560 opened by qwerttyyyuii - 1
Format for %c1, %c2, %cN appears under Format Options but does not actually work
#3561 opened by Hekili - 1
3.7.16-15-g8583018 - Lua Error 'isPaused'
#3562 opened by behub-au - 1
Ready for Update
#3563 opened by Lucbc - 1
LibGetFrame missing comma
#3564 opened by jazz836062 - 1
Show "sound" icon in aura list
#3565 opened by InfusOnWoW