- 1
Bug latest alpha/s
#3572 opened by Addonman - 1
Dynamic group / Group by Frame / Anchor options
#3570 opened by mrbuds - 1
Leverage the extra payload from UNIT_AURA event for optimization
#3571 opened by SweepyBoop - 2
DBM Announce trigger type not triggering as of DBM 2.5.31
#3575 opened by garrymullins - 4
In-config visibility oddities on Nested branch
#3566 opened by asaka-wa - 1
[Alpha] Can't edit empty groups until you move them once
#3567 opened by Luckyone961 - 1
Add "no auto clone" option to Player/Unit Info -> Spellcast [Multitarget units]
#3568 opened by Jodsderechte - 1
Button (or Dropdown) to sort auras in a group alphabetically
#3569 opened by Nercus - 0
Color fiesta (Differences when selecting multiple auras)
#3587 opened by Nightwarden24 - 2
having issue with WA /wa not working
#3590 opened by psyc86 - 1
All Loaded auras always shown
#3588 opened by mucomuco - 7
Runtime error in Condition.lua
#3591 opened by zcqiu - 2
Weakaura update bug.
#3576 opened by kgwium - 1
Text aura takes double amount of time compared to the same icon aura during profiling
#3577 opened by Vumse - 2
#3578 opened by Sevens9527 - 1
Canceling moving a dynamic group removes groups and dynamic groups from the new aura menu options
#3579 opened by MikeCook9994 - 0
Display all custom code blocks (Scam Check)
#3580 opened by Nightwarden24 - 1
Error when option open with empty SV
#3581 opened by mrbuds - 0
Error on string import
#3582 opened by mrbuds - 0
Configuration Scroll Wheel and Other Visual Errors
#3584 opened by OnceWasPerfect - 2
All candidate events for a custom TSU trigger get fired once after closing WA option panel
#3585 opened by Nukme - 0
Blank thumbnails
#3586 opened by Nightwarden24 - 0
Capacities Icons cooldowns affected by control effects
#3609 opened by GermainP277 - 3
Abilities are considered usable even though they are not [Monk]
#3610 opened by GermainP277 - 2
Sinceready timer conflict on 2 spells
#3603 opened by bronze - 1
Miscellaneous (Small UI issues)
#3604 opened by Nightwarden24 - 4
Shift+Click multiselection of root auras
#3607 opened by mrbuds - 5
AddOn 'WeakAuras' tried to call the protected function 'SetFrameLevel()'.
#3593 opened by ekitrak - 2
Finish effect from OmniCC is not working on weak auras
#3594 opened by somecodingboi - 3
Power Type: Mana (or anything) is triggerd on Warrior?
#3595 opened by rakkarage - 1
"Unit Name/Realm" doesn't work if an Npc-name (e.g. "Kin-Tara") has a hyphen in it.
#3597 opened by hambold - 2
[BCC] Add more options to "Instance Difficulty" in Load Tab.
#3599 opened by Kolmarwow - 0
Strange behavior of a dropdown widget
#3600 opened by Nightwarden24 - 1
Empty string in the Standing dropdown list (Faction Reputation trigger)
#3601 opened by Nightwarden24 - 3
Venthyr Condemn 3 Second Cooldown
#3631 opened by rakkarage - 0
Custom code preview on import of an update sometime crash on Jods auras
#3632 opened by mrbuds - 0
Survival Hunter Weakaura produces Error messages
#3633 opened by richyvee - 1
WeakAuras.GetMHTenchInfo() with builtin weapon enchanted trigger can not return right result when change zone.
#3612 opened by roundzero - 1
The built in casting trigger return the destName frequently when caster changes it's target.
#3613 opened by roundzero - 1
[Alpha] Error "WeakAurasOptions\CommonOptions.lua"
#3614 opened by Luckyone961 - 2
dynamic group with progress bars (health) does not get sorted
#3615 opened by Tyralon - 1
War Mode Active Load Condition not loading/unloading when changing War Mode status in Stormwind/Orgrimmar
#3618 opened by glassleo - 0
War Mode load condition is inconsistent
#3619 opened by glassleo - 1
Put Guardrails around Clickable Auras; Warn or Prevent/Disable Cloning
#3620 opened by Hekili - 0
Group icons + Group selection
#3621 opened by Translitdk - 0
Miscellaneous 2 (Small UI issues)
#3624 opened by Nightwarden24 - 1
all WA and plater profiles were erased
#3628 opened by Lichteq - 3
Deleted WeakAuras still requesting updates
#3636 opened by stmarson1 - 0
Unit_Spellcast_Succeeded trigger is missing under Other Events in TBC Client
#3637 opened by mrbuurns - 3
Glow sub-elements not always applied to aura clones (e.g. nameplates)
#3638 opened by HPLT