- 5
Weapon type trigger checkboxes not working
#5487 opened by nullValueReturned - 8
Add Toggle to check for "Nameplate Timers" of the bossmods trigger.
#5484 opened by Jodsderechte - 2
Lua Error for 'Tracking: HWH': Trigger
#5483 opened by avrosati - 2
Demonology Warlock: Conditions for Implosion Charges do not work.
#5482 opened by QuinncyJones - 3
Suggestion: add additional animation speed control options to the progress bar process smoothing feature
#5481 opened by X-Zou - 2
WeakAuras Недостаёт талантов в бафах на дурида, сила зверя,
#5479 opened by Diavyol - 8
The Expressway Problem, Again
#5477 opened by ritewhose - 0
UNIT_ABSORB_AMOUNT_CHANGED doesn't always fire when stagger goes to zero
#5476 opened by emptyrivers - 9
DynamicGroup.lua:674 after update.
#5473 opened by itsreps - 0
Add chat command for WA profiling window
#5469 opened by Kolmarwow - 2
Cast and Combatlog trigger (with delay) somehow sometimes interact weirdly
#5465 opened by Jodsderechte - 1
Using Auto complete duplicates any "|" character
#5463 opened by Reloe - 8
SoD phase 5 bug, WA window wont show "Add New" or "search" UI feature and when I open WAs it generates an error.
#5462 opened by Abrams011 - 2
Range finding for spell seems to be broken after Blizzard Update in Classic HC
#5461 opened by johnblackjr - 3
WoW Classic Era Update - Version 1.15.4
#5459 opened by maximus210793 - 2
#5458 opened by amaxcz - 0
Item Cooldown Progress - Item In Range combat bug with friendly target
#5457 opened by mrbuds - 4
Other Events > Spell Cast Succeeded DUPLICATE ISSUE
#5454 opened by Bartholomau - 0
Trigger Power Type Combopoints does not distinguish between one or more Combo Points, basically acts as true or false trigger
#5450 opened by 4k3y - 1
Button with "Collapse all"
#5449 opened by Foioyoi - 1
Taint issue, easily reproducible.
#5448 opened by Bodify - 1
Report an error with WeakAuras and unsure how to resolve it? Or maybe it doesn't need resolving?
#5447 opened by liuli195 - 0
Buffs List and Debuffs LIst is the same
#5446 opened by SykoTavo - 2
Make the sound selection a drop-down with a filter text box
#5444 opened by EntropyShadow - 19
Modify 'Item' trigger/s
#5443 opened by Bartholomau - 3
'is offline' checkbox in Player/unit info > Unit Characteristics trigger
#5442 opened by Bartholomau - 1
Missing Buff
#5440 opened by Tuskkar - 1
Template throwing error
#5439 opened by aromagnoli - 4
typing in the wrong spell id feels bad
#5435 opened by emptyrivers - 1
aura_env.states has a nil entry for an active cloned trigger if dynamic information comes from another trigger
#5434 opened by calummitchell - 0
Missing premade aura.
#5432 opened by jlasocha - 0
Link weakaura with wago link is not working in CN server
#5430 opened by neolhfs - 2
Instance Size Type Broken Era/SoD
#5427 opened by danjohnso - 2
Certain skills do not work only on certain characters
#5426 opened by gmlakffkdis - 1
Lua error in aura 'MKPT_Cells': Trigger 1
#5425 opened by lordsnugglez - 2
Add "or hero talent" load condition
#5423 opened by Gnarfoz - 3
Hero spec
#5422 opened by Addonman - 0
Charged Combo Points mean something different in 11.0.5 PTR
#5421 opened by emptyrivers - 0
Since Ready giving inconsistent behaviour
#5420 opened by Boneshockx - 1
some unknown bug
#5419 opened by amaxcz - 2
Support new action: vibrate controller
#5414 opened by LeoQuote - 1
glow when the spell is activated does not work
#5413 opened by tritognait - 8
Cell Spotlight request to be added to higher prior in LibGetFrame
#5412 opened by mrgrimms - 5
Aura Trigger Based on Icon ID
#5411 opened by kensylvia - 0
Lua error while opening /wa in raid
#5408 opened by mrbuds - 11
Passive Talent doesn't work for "spell known" load option when not using spellID
#5405 opened by CrystalBearer - 0
Texteditor ctrl+z undo duplicates every "|"
#5403 opened by Boneshockx - 0
Texteditor ctrl+z undo duplicates every "|"
#5402 opened by Boneshockx - 2
Permanent Auras Sorting "Correctly"
#5399 opened by Loloup - 3
Error on log-in: cannot resume dead coroutine
#5398 opened by Tequima