Wrong Cthun Planner

Wrong Cthun Planner


This is a WoW-Classic addon that will provide help for positioning during the C'Thun encounter.
It's a fork of PHGP Cthun and Salad_Cthun.
Powered by: WrongDecision.


The original versions do not support any other WoW Classic client except the English version.
WrongCthunPlanner works for all WoW Classic clients.

You can drag and resize the screen.
You can also reposition players.


  • /wcp help Show ingame help
  • /wcp show Show the planner
  • /wcp hide Hide the planner
  • /wcp reset Reset position and scale of the planner
  • /wcp refresh Refresh positions
  • /wcp version Show current version

For Raid Leads and Assists:

  • /wcp marks Set RaidTargetMarkers for Melees
  • /wcp check Check if all raiders have the addon installed

For Raid Leads:

  • /wcp share Displays the planner to your raid

Macro (For RL/Assist)

If you're a RL or Assist, your might want to have macros like the following.

If you're using DBM some target markers might be reused.
If you want to reapply melee markers, consider using a macro like:

/cast Sunder Armor
/wcp marks

In case one of the melees dies/goes offline infight.

/wcp refresh
/wcp marks


  • Will place melees into 1st row (closest to C'Thun), leftovers into 2nd.
  • Will place healers into 2nd row, leftovers into 3rd.
  • Will place ranges and leftovers into 3rd row.


Wrong Cthun Planner


Feel free to do so. (GitHub)