Wrong Cthun Planner

Wrong Cthun Planner



This is a WoW-Classic addon that will provide help for positioning during the C'Thun encounter.
It's a fork of PHGP Cthun and Salad_Cthun


The versions forked of does not support WoW-Classic clients other than the english version.
WrongCthunPlanner works for all WoW-Classic clients.

You can drag and resize the screen.
You can also reposition players.



  • Download/Clone this repo.
  • Copy the src directory into your WoW-Classic-Addons directory.
  • Rename it to WrongCthunPlanner


Install via Twitch-Client or Download from Curseforge.


/wcp help Show ingame help

/wcp show Show the planner

/wcp hide Hide the planner

/wcp reset Reset position and scale of the planner

/wcp refresh Refresh positions

/wcp version Show current version

  • For Raid Leads and Assists

/wcp marks Set RaidTargetMarkers for Melees

/wcp check Check if all raiders have the addon installed

  • For Raid Leads

/wcp share Displays the planner to your raid

Macro (For RL/Assist)

If you're a RL or Assist, your might want to have macros like the following.

If you're using DBM some target markers might be reused. If you want to reapply melee markers, consider using a macro like:

# Add /wcp marks into your rotation
# /wcp marks is a "cheap" operation -> No API calls
/cast Sunder Armor
/wcp marks

In case one of the melees dies/goes offline infight.

# @NOTE: /wcp refresh is an "expensive" operation -> API calls
/wcp refresh
/wcp marks


Feel free to do so.