- 4
WotlK Classic Zperl Message: Interface/AddOns/ZPerl_Target/ZPerl_Target.lua line 1544:
#87 opened by warcraftclassicgamer - 0
Lua Error When in Violet Hold
#30 opened by ZaxLofful - 8
Possible to Backport Z-Perl to 3.3.5?
#31 opened by Esparanta - 0
PTR/Beta/ pre-patch 10.x.x
#32 opened by Zetaprime82 - 0
ZPerl ArcaneBar error
#34 opened by Zetaprime82 - 4
Hide CompactRaidFrameManager
#35 opened by wlfbck - 1
#wotlkclassic Ulduar / phase 2 PTR Errors
#37 opened by vjtd3 - 2
Totem bar not showing
#40 opened by ThiefMaster - 2
#wotlkclassic Ulduar & phase 2, updated errors
#39 opened by vjtd3 - 0
WOTLK Classic
#41 opened by Fieora - 4
Name bar/cast bar sometimes partially filled and stuck that way
#47 opened by alexaroth - 1
7.0.6 - Spamming me with Bug issues
#45 opened by Peregran - 3
Shaman totems buff still not showing
#46 opened by Romeus83 - 2
Z-Perl button doesn't show on minimap when using Sexymap
#43 opened by Makyura3 - 4
Numerous LUA Errors with Update 10.0.5
#44 opened by RavenMind - 2
Target bug
#48 opened by Ssesmar - 2
Wotlk classic / no threat in target frame
#49 opened by Hacksfu - 1
Blizzard Frames can't be used
#50 opened by Rivertrent - 0
Tank monitor unclickable and unexpanded
#52 opened by Jagscorpion - 0
Party Debuff's not updating duration
#53 opened by Jagscorpion - 0
#51 opened by Primal76 - 0
Problem with frame transparency on target and target of target frame
#54 opened by ocu7 - 0
Earthliving on targets outside of your group
#55 opened by durpmen - 0
Raid Frames cascade after reload
#56 opened by Memon82 - 0
Player Target Health always shows as percentage
#59 opened by daledenton9 - 0
Shard bar does not show up below warlock player frame
#57 opened by Xylexia - 0
Raid frames - Role Icons not showing up
#58 opened by Huitz1291 - 0
Combopoints doesnt work
#60 opened by Ssesmar - 1
10.1 errors
#61 opened by derekwengstrom - 0
WotLK ToGC PTR errors
#62 opened by vjtd3 - 2
ComboPoints not moveable
#63 opened by Ssesmar - 0
Dispell/Buffs on Target
#64 opened by DorfyDK - 3
Roles on Raid frames
#65 opened by Hotash - 0
pvp timer text is basically illegible
#66 opened by ANaPhOrAX - 0
Dracthyr Error
#68 opened by Ssesmar - 0
Z Perl not saving after loading ui
#67 opened by jwilliam87 - 1
3.4.2 Error - CompactRaidFrameManager:Hide()
#69 opened by NayooZ - 0
Highlight debuffs only if spell known to remove it
#70 opened by zeenk - 1
[Feature Request] Summon icon on frames
#71 opened by zeenk - 1
Player and target frames showing Picture on right hand side when in Moonkin form
#72 opened by Ifartstarz - 1
24x XPerl_Target:Hide(): Cannot abort the drag without the frame having capture
#73 opened by Rawr-kitteh - 0
#74 opened by Alessandro-Barbieri - 1
Party Buffs - Castable buffs only - not showing Lifebloom and others
#75 opened by dromerop - 1
Fail to load on 1.14.4
#76 opened by trammel - 1
#80 opened by Iambookz - 3
Wrath ptr error
#81 opened by Raulfin - 0
Wrath wotlk no role icons or main tanks icons
#82 opened by Pengukeks - 0
How to heath value displayed k,m units change to real number ?
#84 opened by Nemesounds - 1
Class color
#83 opened by opakaa - 1
LUA error when loading into the game
#86 opened by Aenimma