World of Warcraft
13,382 Mods
Fojji - ElvUI Standard
0 InstallsDiscord for questions/requests/help here: https://discord.gg/fojjiwow TBC & WotLK Compatible You must install this Addon for the font & textures: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sharedmedia_fojji See my WeakAuras in Action + More Auras for Subscribers: https://www.twitch.tv/fojjiwow Support/Thanks: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6XBGL4AF4ZZ3A
Fojji - ElvUI Healer
0 InstallsDiscord for questions/requests/help here: https://discord.gg/fojjiwow TBC & WotLK Compatible You must install this Addon for the font & textures: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sharedmedia_fojji See my WeakAuras in Action + More Auras for Subscribers: https://www.twitch.tv/fojjiwow Support/Thanks: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=6XBGL4AF4ZZ3A
NotUI - DPS/TANK/HEALER - Dragonflight ElvUI Profile
0 Installs****PLEASE READ**** If you want the easiest way to install my profile just go to one of these websites and download my plugin for ElvUI: CurseForge: https://legacy.curseforge.com/wow/addons/notui-elvui-plugin Ready for 10.2 - Season 3 Dragonflight Join...
Whiiskeyz | ElvUI | Dragonflight
0 Installs| | | Install The Shadow & Light Add-on & Important My Settings Read Important Info Section Join Discord for more support Class Weakauras Here Part Of The Whiiskeyz UI Collection Nameplates, castbars, party...
ElvUI Setup [NightUI]
0 InstallsElvUI Default Profile for NightUI. Used for Mythic+ and Raiding, so not built for PvP List of Addons Used: ElvUI Shadow and Light (ElvUI Edit) Eltruism (ElvUI Edit) Windtools (ElvUI Edit) BigWigs LittleWigs Details Mythic...
Atrophy ElvUI profile
0 InstallsClean UI with a large hp bar. Raid frames are setup for raid leading and/or healing. Keybindings designed to use with a 12button MMO mouse.
Wa's ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsFONT: https://ngabbs.com/read.php?tid=32093192&_ff=200 Plater Profile ElvUI Profile DF S2 10.1.0~10.1.5 DF S1 10.0.7 DF S1 10.0.7 cast Preiset Evoker Druid Monk Warrior DF S2 盾反技能 Hunter-Survival DeathKnight Paladin DemonHunter Warlock Warlock-Demonology 小鬼监视
JiberishUI Info Panel Setup
0 InstallsMust have Elvui, Eltruism, mMedia Tags, JiberishUI (all on Curseforge.com) https://www.patreon.com/JiberishUI 13 PROFILES NOW INCLUDED IN JIBERISHUI! https://youtu.be/gbg9eqejfJw?si=FqFj3GkW7MWUwcBs How to edit your own profile w/ Eltruism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t34UCUhLCFw&t=259s Font (included with Jiberish Installer): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A1TZEqdx3x1eC4bN1vVEaJ2wd37Q4xvt/view?usp=drivesdk Replace your...
ALL IN ONE COLLECTION (ElvUI, Details, Castbar, Plates, WIndTools)
0 InstallsThis is my setup in game. The emphasis here is on keeping the middle clear, nothing more planned from the standard UI, class color adherence, and efficiency. Note the collection What do I need for...
ZerkinzUI Pro [v2.40][1080p] -- Performance-Driven Raid UI by Rank #10 West SHA
0 InstallsIf you want to support me, but are unable to spare any money, one thing you can do to help me is help advertise my UI on the WoW Forums, Trade Chat, etc.! I was...
Amenitra 4.0 - ElvUI Profil
0 InstallsDas Interface ist für eine Bildschirmgröße 2560×1440 ausgelegt. Solltest du eine andere Bildschirmgröße verwenden, musst du etwas an der Skalierung drehen (Elvui Einstellung → Tab: Allgemein → Ui-Skalierung) oder auch das eine oder andere Element...
DE | ElvUI Clean UI Profil | Update 29. Juli 2023
0 InstallsHallöchen. ich bin Marcela und stelle euch mein ElvUI Clean UI Profil vor. Dieses Profil bietet ausreichende Übersicht über eures Spielfeld. Die Hauptaktion Zauber Leiste befindet sich in der Mitte und ist im meinem Fall...
0 InstallsPerfil para Tanks y DPS del Barba ATR PERRO
ElvUI - Varanthyra
0 InstallsThis is a minimalistic ElvUI Profile. It uses my Druid Cursor Weakaura https://wago.io/wMicN79ZS and my Plater Profile https://wago.io/Ts-Tp1Hsv
Scorpius UI Dragonflight & WOTLK
0 InstallsProfile Import Strings for latest Scorpius UI Contact and Support • For any Questions join my Discord • Support my work with a one time Donation • Join me live on Twitch Addons I Use...
Boux's ElvUI Profile (Tank/DPS)
0 InstallsResolution: 1080p Font: Big Noodle (https://1drv.ms/u/s!Ausi1dUU56S7uQwufCcuMQnMmUvu) *use addon SharedMedia. ElvUI: AddOnSkins ElvUI Datatext Colors ElvUI Shadow & Light ElvUI OptionsUI Visible Addons: MikScrollingBattleText (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mik-scrolling-battle-text) Plater (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/plater-nameplates) Quartz (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/quartz) Details (https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/details) SharedMedia(https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/sharedmedia) Complete list: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1X7oFgmAtRfXpLjJaqFn5YBqdmoVrVGASFkU1rrsaDU0/ Weakauras:...
Clean MHW
0 InstallsNeed eltruism and mmedia
Fojji - ElvUI Arena
0 InstallsDiscord for questions/requests/help here: https://discord.gg/fojjiwow TBC & WotLK Compatible You must install this Addon if you want the same font, sounds & textures: https://numen.0x42.fi/SharedMediaV2.zip See my WeakAuras in Action + More Auras for Subscribers: https://www.twitch.tv/fojjiwow...
ElvUI for Tank Purpose By Sorlasar
0 InstallsThis ElvUI is general purpose, but the health bars are set away from the screen, it tracks the target's aggro and changes color according to that aggro. Green: Has aggro Yellow: Neutral Red: Aggressive (You...
JarUI - ElvUI Profile (4K)
0 Installslink to collection: https://wago.io/lw05cBLC4 JarUI ElvUI approach: save performance and reduce dependencies by disabling ElvUI modules. using ActionBars to mimic center WeakAura groups (because 1. snappiness of ElvUI actionbars and 2. rectangular icons and...