World of Warcraft
13,372 Mods
LuckyoneUI Dragonflight - DPS & Tanks
0 InstallsProfile import strings for the most recent version of ElvUI Contact and Support • For questions join my Discord • Support me monthly on Patreon • Support me with a one-time Donation • Watch gameplay...
AfenarUI | ElvUI Profile | Dragonflight
0 InstallsBasic of AfenarUI Elvui Profile for Healer, Tank and DPS roles The entire collection of 36 specializations for World of Warcraft: Dragonflight. You may find here any class related auras just in the only one...
NotUI - DPS/TANK/HEALER - Dragonflight ElvUI Profile
0 Installs****PLEASE READ**** If you want the easiest way to install my profile just go to one of these websites and download my plugin for ElvUI: CurseForge: https://legacy.curseforge.com/wow/addons/notui-elvui-plugin Ready for 10.2 - Season 3 Dragonflight Join...
Whiiskeyz | ElvUI | Dragonflight
0 Installs| | | Install The Shadow & Light Add-on & Important My Settings Read Important Info Section Join Discord for more support Class Weakauras Here Part Of The Whiiskeyz UI Collection Nameplates, castbars, party...
Frantik ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsElvUI Profile for melee DPS. This can work for other specializations as well. Other addons you will need include: ElvUI Addonskins: https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/elvui_addonskins ElvUI Shadow & Light: https://www.tukui.org/addons.php?id=38 ElvUI Skullflower: https://www.tukui.org/addons.php?id=63 Addons I use but you...
Effie's ElvUI - Dragonflight
0 InstallsImportant Installation notes: Install ElvUI and MerathilisUI and run through both setups, enabling every option. Afterwards, import this string into ElvUI. Got any questions? Contact me on Discord: https://discord.gg/NmWfxZG If you like my work and...
Tank ElvUI by Rainon
0 Installs Hello World ! Поддержать рублём Weak Auras: Коллекция Collection Описание Description Class & Spec Ауры для классов или специализаций. Class and spec auras. Favorites Ауры других игроков, которые могут быть полезны. Auras by another...
Zyke ElvUI v2.0 (1920x1080) - Updated for Shadowlands!
0 InstallsUPDATE: I have remade this UI for shadowlands using the newest ElvUI version (with minor changes here and there). I'm still not sure if this will be my main UI, i have multiple i'm considering....
Script ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsAddons used: Elvui Elvui Shadow & Light Elvui Windtools Plater (my plater profile: https://wago.io/AOpxnU1Cj ) Weakaura (my warlock WA profile: https://wago.io/RranuhNcW ) Adibags Details! Damage Meter Masque (Skin: Zoomed) Opie (for infrequent used spells) [ActionBars]...
JiberishUI Info Panel Setup
0 InstallsMust have Elvui, Eltruism, mMedia Tags, JiberishUI (all on Curseforge.com) https://www.patreon.com/JiberishUI 13 PROFILES NOW INCLUDED IN JIBERISHUI! https://youtu.be/gbg9eqejfJw?si=FqFj3GkW7MWUwcBs How to edit your own profile w/ Eltruism: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t34UCUhLCFw&t=259s Font (included with Jiberish Installer): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A1TZEqdx3x1eC4bN1vVEaJ2wd37Q4xvt/view?usp=drivesdk Replace your...
ALL IN ONE COLLECTION (ElvUI, Details, Castbar, Plates, WIndTools)
0 InstallsThis is my setup in game. The emphasis here is on keeping the middle clear, nothing more planned from the standard UI, class color adherence, and efficiency. Note the collection What do I need for...
喵仙人 ELVUI 配置 Meowcactus ElvUI Profile
0 Installs喵仙人基础 & 专业套组,是由喵仙人制作更新,适用于魔兽世界巨龙时代全职业的 WA 套组。 免费版:喵仙人基础套组,功能有所简化,但品质没有简化。发布于 WAGO 与黑盒工坊,供大家免费使用。 付费版:喵仙人专业套组,有着完整功能与最及时的更新。以电邮向订阅者持续发送全职业的最新版本。 订阅微信:meowcactus 打赏或订阅,爱发电:https://afdian.net/a/meowcactus 演示视频,哔哩哔哩:https://space.bilibili.com/4053358 ——————————————————————————— Meowcactus Lite & Pro Package, is made and updated by Meowcactus for all specializations in World of Warcraft Dragonflight. Free version: Meowcactus...
Multi Class functional ELVUI - Shadowlands 9.2.5
0 InstallsApril 23rd, 2022: UI updated and will receive minor tweaks as I use it over the next few weeks. Please comment if you have issues. I'll try to help where I can. April 21, 2022...
Heidi ElvUI
0 Installs!! No WeakAuras required !! I spend a lot of time perfecting this interface. I currently use it on my DK main (Heidi-Taerar). Heidi ElvUI Optimized for UI scaling: 0.53, Screen: 1440p This ElvUI consists...
ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsNeed Addons:ㅤ Elvui; AddOnSkins. ㅤ
DH - BFA - ElvUI Profile
0 InstallsHavoc WA's: https://wago.io/kTPoQpLKd Vengeance WA's: https://wago.io/OoAsU75f1
[9.2.0] StUI V2 - Minimalistic Raiding UI - UPDATED FOR SHADOWLANDS
0 InstallsMade a version of this for Classic CLASSIC ONLY, Do not try to use that one on live, it'll be weird. -> [ https://wago.io/FKrKXKLNW ] <- ElvUI Shadow and Light required for this to work...
Amenitra 4.0 - ElvUI Profil
0 InstallsDas Interface ist für eine Bildschirmgröße 2560×1440 ausgelegt. Solltest du eine andere Bildschirmgröße verwenden, musst du etwas an der Skalierung drehen (Elvui Einstellung → Tab: Allgemein → Ui-Skalierung) oder auch das eine oder andere Element...
Neevi Hunter UI
0 InstallsClean & Simple ElvUI
DE | ElvUI Clean UI Profil | Update 29. Juli 2023
0 InstallsHallöchen. ich bin Marcela und stelle euch mein ElvUI Clean UI Profil vor. Dieses Profil bietet ausreichende Übersicht über eures Spielfeld. Die Hauptaktion Zauber Leiste befindet sich in der Mitte und ist im meinem Fall...