- 1
Stacktrace with char_from_unicode()
#771 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
run() and sudo() broken on build 2345/2346
#776 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Stacktrace with simple_date()
#777 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
SecurityException: The script cannot access ... due to restrictions imposed by the base-dir setting
#778 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Stacktrace with chat()
#779 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Stacktraces with color()
#780 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
Stacktrace with set_leashholder()
#781 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Stacktrace with set_armor_color()
#810 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Addition of get/set_entity_data() (or whatever the function should be named)
#811 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Error with sudo() and runas()
#812 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
java -jar commandhelper.jar syntax geshi causes NPE
#813 opened by LadyCailinBot - 18
Unexpected extra time being taken when import used with large array in a procedure.
#814 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Reinforcements creature_spawn event reason
#815 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
strange bug with procedure arguments when the ivars have certain names
#816 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
Problem with parseLong() in Java
#817 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Shaped Recipe Sizes
#820 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Firework metadata in item array
#821 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Crash on transient file persistance
#822 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Support for multiple Redis databases
#823 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Ambiguous behavior with "return(..)" vs "return ..."
#826 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Stacktrace with /viewalias
#782 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
a bug in reflect_pull() ?
#783 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
problem with divide()
#784 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Stacktrace with array_insert()
#785 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Stacktrace with unicode_from_char()
#786 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Stacktrace with bcrypt()
#787 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
NPE with http_request()
#788 opened by LadyCailinBot - 8
functions to use lines of sight
#789 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
set_pinv() cannot change the item that the player is currently holding
#790 opened by LadyCailinBot - 0
potion_splash event
#791 opened by LadyCailinBot - 10
Problem with player_move and vehicle_move
#792 opened by LadyCailinBot - 3
Stacktrace on load
#793 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
Strange error
#794 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
ptake_item and pgive_item cannot use named items
#795 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
tame_mob(), etc
#796 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
CommandHelper overrides /help so that it only displays "Do you need halp?"
#797 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Get the hostname the player used to connect to the server in player_login event.
#798 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
Entities references are being cached or some other oddity
#799 opened by LadyCailinBot - 5
player_quit doesn't fire on first event (interpreter-only)
#800 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Alias permissions do not work with space in previous line
#801 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
bugs in the player_teleport event
#802 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Stacktrace with /reloadaliases
#803 opened by LadyCailinBot - 8
RCON can't run commands properly
#804 opened by LadyCailinBot - 1
Stacktraces with parse_int()
#805 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
PlayerOfflineException with psetop() from console
#806 opened by LadyCailinBot - 6
http_request can't run from MS script properly
#807 opened by LadyCailinBot - 2
Errors in shell_adv()
#808 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
entities_in_radius() exception
#809 opened by LadyCailinBot - 4
SecurityException, The script cannot access,
#156 opened by nikosgram - 3
Testing functionality. Plz ignore.
#164 opened by EntityReborn