- 1
nicknames and socialspy bug
#4998 opened by Cruwzky - 1
NPE when backup script is not executable
#4999 opened by DuckDuckWhale - 3
It is impossible to find out the balance of Offline Player
#5000 opened by moda84 - 2
/ice sending wrong message to target
#5002 opened by minelolpride - 0
After unafk you are still sleeping ignored
#4984 opened by hexadecimal233 - 1
UUID Issue
#4986 opened by MrUniverse44 - 0
#4984 not fixed
#4988 opened by hexadecimal233 - 0
#4984 is not fixed
#4987 opened by hexadecimal233 - 0
EssentialsDiscord: local messages treated as global and relayed when all players are in local message range
#4989 opened by stepa2 - 1
Make amount argument optional in /give and /item commands
#4992 opened by Aloki - 1
Player UUID Usermap Error
#5025 opened by RocketManKian - 1
/speed not working
#5023 opened by JXSnack - 1
Swift Sneak enchant missing in /enchant
#5024 opened by ItzRobin - 2
Runing baltop in command block cause error
#5004 opened by Josh65-2201 - 1
java.lang.NoSuchFieldError: ENTITY_ENDERMAN_TELEPORT
#5005 opened by servicomcr - 3
Essentials Login Console Issue
#5006 opened by DebuffPvP - 0
EssentialsX Currency Symbol
#5008 opened by DeyanVNikolov - 1
Kicked from server for "Invalid Player Move Packet Received" inconsistently when using any kind of teleport. Issue stops when essentials or citizens is removed.
#5012 opened by Sealflipper - 1
Essentials not running on Magma servers, plugin gets disabled
#5011 opened by GutiNicolas - 1
com.earth2me.essentials.User.isGodModeEnabled() error
#5013 opened by mrpunky - 4
You cannot add a space in the Author's name
#5014 opened by baailey - 3
Latest dev build erroneously reports that it is out of date
#5069 opened by kribjo - 10
Getting kicked for "Chat message validation failiure" on 1.19.1
#5031 opened by leomick - 4
Sudo gives "Chat message validation failure" kick message
#5038 opened by icydoesstuff - 1
Flight is maintained after switching world via end portal; even if was denied for that end world.
#5040 opened by ultraic-space - 14
Chat Signing 1.19.2
#5042 opened by Blzd87 - 14
Essentials /tpr does not support third party biome generator plugins
#5054 opened by Kaisarion - 0
Sudo c: makes the player send their previewed message
#5055 opened by akdukaan - 0
Console colors still broken sometimes
#5056 opened by molor - 4
EssentialsX not loading in latest version of paper
#5057 opened by leomick - 1
RGB color codes are stripped unless sender has certain color permissions
#5058 opened by Tisawesomeness - 1
#5063 opened by Betob89 - 2
Don't receive money when player is offline
#5074 opened by Lairon1 - 1
Unsafe Enchants
#5083 opened by IceWaffles - 5
Possible IllegalStateException with reason "zip file closed" on shutdown
#5084 opened by Andre601 - 12
EssentialsChat "reverts" the modification of chat messages that were previously modified by other plugins
#5089 opened by Akiranya - 7
Incorrect teleportation safety message
#5088 opened by JHarris12345 - 1
Not replacing UUID in usermap.
#5091 opened by rejomy - 2
Unable to use @p @s @e and @a in /tp command
#5095 opened by Attack8 - 1
spawn not working
#5099 opened by WiZiSergio - 1
Player Joins Causes Lag Spikes
#5103 opened by Joshuak52 - 0
EssentialsX Support Request
#5107 opened by DebuffPvP - 2
/me appends player prefix and name
#5109 opened by Kyrobi - 1
Mangrove missing from /clear command
#5111 opened by Cruwzky - 1
/home bed is not affected by 'world-home-permissions'.
#5112 opened by Pantera07 - 3
`essentials.sethome.multiple` is no longer required when `essentials.sethome.multiple.[set]` is given.
#5118 opened by accLarson - 2
Getting kicked with "Illegal Characters in chat" when using a nick with &
#5119 opened by Agaloth - 2
i cant do /nick with the rgb hexcode
#5124 opened by AquaNot - 1
Command Costs & Command Cooldown Bug
#5128 opened by catches - 1
/anvil not work on 1.8 spigot
#5134 opened by rejomy