- 1
Won't enable
#2911 opened by LittleDuck363 - 10
Cannot change JAR filename
#2912 opened by SlimeDog - 0
[ProtocolLib] [NettyChannelInjector] Unable to send packet ClientboundUpdateEnabledFeaturesPacket[features=[minecraft:vanilla]] to
#2908 opened by hed516 - 0
I have the following error
#2909 opened by Kyle20192005 - 2
Problem with WrappedChatComponent in PacketType.Play.Server.BOSS
#2901 opened by beachvisitor - 0
ProtocolLib unable to load
#2902 opened by Ranger2415 - 7
#2903 opened by ThrowerWay - 1
Paper 1.20.6 - Failed to find NMS class: network.ProtocolInfo$a
#2904 opened by LoneDev6 - 7
1.8 error when joining server
#2905 opened by Henriiig - 3
ProtocolLib loading error
#2906 opened by Dejf15 - 3
#2907 opened by jurohn - 1
1.20.6 Paper - Failed to find NMS class: world.entity.player.EnumChatVisibility
#2913 opened by LoneDev6 - 4
I have problems with protocolib 5.2.0
#2915 opened by leonoob15 - 1
Async Tasks Failure
#2916 opened by 1byteSlayer - 3
1.20.6 - EnumWrappers.PlayerDigType null
#2917 opened by LoneDev6 - 2
1.20.4 PlayerList fakeplayer creation.
#2931 opened by Somikyy - 0
big problems with protocollib
#2918 opened by noSecPL - 2
Open Questions and Suggestions for Packet Injection System
#2919 opened by Ingrim4 - 3
Redesigning Packet Type and Registry System
#2920 opened by Ingrim4 - 0
Review and Proposal to Change the Command System
#2921 opened by Ingrim4 - 2
Proposale for new Multi-Project Structure
#2922 opened by Ingrim4 - 1
Random EncoderException
#2923 opened by SlimeDog - 9
Is it updated
#2924 opened by TechTaco98 - 4
Devbuild 689 Error | Paper 1.20.6
#2925 opened by drabspirit - 5
Spigot & Paper class name mismatches for EnumChatVisibility
#2926 opened by 0utplay - 1
having problem with protocolManager is null
#2927 opened by khangdh5200 - 4
Dev 689 will not work with Paper 1.20.6 build 74
#2929 opened by Leahcimkrob - 1
I just have a question
#2930 opened by JabberTheRapper - 0
Packet Handle error (On Join)
#2946 opened by Ayont - 1
Mixing custom enchants on anvil
#2932 opened by Takivad11 - 1
When will 1.20.6 support be added?
#2935 opened by MuratAb54 - 1
[AuraSkills] Unhandled exception occurred in onPacketSending(PacketEvent) for AuraSkills
#2936 opened by Draghonir - 4
How to use version 5.2.0 with dependencies?
#2937 opened by KanCiGamer - 3
IllegalArgumentException error
#2938 opened by FarkieBear1 - 1
Error sending packet clientbound/minecraft:disconnect in 1.20.6
#2939 opened by Legoman99573 - 1
Fails to send SPAWN_ENTITY packet 1.20.6
#2942 opened by dsevvv - 4
#2944 opened by ErzeStein - 2
Unable to load build 694, "detected a newer version"
#2963 opened by Toseflo - 18
Holograms messed up
#2948 opened by KenterWasTaken - 2
1.8.8 error plugin
#2949 opened by AdrianoGSM - 8
ProtocolLib INTERNAL ERROR when enabling
#2950 opened by Alexidians - 0
Some packets dont get their types assigned properly (possibly bundle related)
#2952 opened by AffectedArc07 - 1
Login and Logout errors
#2953 opened by enigma072485 - 1
Reload error with players online
#2954 opened by DavideBlade - 3
ProtocolLib disables itself upon startup in 1.20.6
#2956 opened by BuggyAl - 6
Error initializing plugin on 1.20.6 (on ProtocolLib ProtocolLib snapshot)
#2955 opened by HydrolienF - 9
Getting an issue on protocolLib it asked me to log it here soo...
#2957 opened by ozimonnn - 0
Sending a MutliBlockChangePacket cause ArrayIndexOutOfBounds
#2958 opened by TerraMiner - 0
Error Hooking into Plugins
#2959 opened by ReEvadere - 2
Plugin is not fully updated to 1.20.6!
#2960 opened by Goinging