195,648 Mods
[World Generator] Ocean Only World / Water World
31.6k DownloadsGenerates only ocean biomes
Better Floating Islands
20.7k DownloadsCustom world generation data pack
Vanilla Expansion
14.2k DownloadsWorldgen, biomes, advancements, mechanics, mobs, structures and more!
Netherending Ores - Configs
9.1k DownloadsNetherending Ores - Configs
[Word Generator] Superflat++
7.2k DownloadsSuperflat mode but playable as survival
[World Generator] Frozen Hell
6.3k DownloadsWinter apocalypse but not just for looks :)
6.3k DownloadsTerraForged/Conquest Reforged Tree Datapack
6.2k DownloadsWallsOfConquest_ is a complete overhaul of all changeable structures in the vanilla game.
Seasons Dimension Datapack
6.1k DownloadsA datapack that adds a new dimension with 4 custom biomes
Fancier Mansions
5.8k DownloadsA datapack that improves the look of Woodland Mansions.
Sensible Biomes
4.6k Downloads55 new vanilla-style transitional biomes
[World Generator] Everything | Every biome in one world!
4.2k DownloadsMakes the world generate every known biome including nether and end ones in the overworld
DWAEBH | Caves - Structures - Vegetation - Vanilla styled
3.6k DownloadsExpanded world height from 384 to 640 blocks (-128 to 512), adds custom cave biomes and custom vanilla-styled structures and various tweaks to generation and vegetation.
More Plants [Datapack Edition]
3.1k DownloadsThis Pack adds in lots of plants.
The Bracken Pack: A data pack that adds 11 Custom Dimensions!
2.1k DownloadsA fantasy-themed, dimension-hopping addition to vanilla Minecraft.
Caloumi's Floating Islands Datapack
2.1k DownloadsCreate an floating biome world with all vanilla biomes!
Millenaire Rus` Culture
2k DownloadsNew Custom Culture
Shattered Lands Data Pack
1.5k DownloadsWorld generation data pack that changes our world to get an effect similiar to legendary Far Lands structures.
[World Generator] The Netherworld
1.2k DownloadsA world with only nether biomes and villages, outposts, mansions revamped with nether style
[World Generator] The End Overworld
1.1k DownloadsGenerates the overworld with only end biomes, plains and river