- 8
crash whenever looking at water pump
#6 opened by DeRp-MaSte5 - 5
Cache worldHasOxygen as it is called a lot.
#9 opened by ellie-semele - 3
Unable do modify loot tables with datapacks (overrid not working)
#10 opened by Gbergz - 2
Oil Fluid Crash
#13 opened by Aulluna - 2
Crashing when loading the player
#14 opened by Stick404 - 3
Very high memory usage.
#16 opened by ZekeZDev - 1
Glacian trap doors not placed properly
#15 opened by Aulluna - 2
[Suggestion] Generation options
#17 opened by Drezkil - 3
Pipes not transferring oxygen correctly
#20 opened by HexBugOrion - 3
{SUGGESTION} Oxygen and electricity storage blocks
#21 opened by HexBugOrion - 5
Seed and chunk corruption on 1.18 fabric
#23 opened by Abalieno - 1
waterlogging blocks on hot planets deletes the blocks and not the water in an oxygenated environment
#24 opened by Ilikepinapples - 5
1.19.2 Client Crashed when teleporting to other planets
#26 opened by ColdTearsYY - 5
Ability to transfer electricity and fluids through the walls
#27 opened by CAKE-I-TOOPT - 0
jet suit as an upgrade kit at smithing table
#28 opened by HexBugOrion - 1
[Suggestion] integration with other tech mods
#31 opened by yu-re-ka - 6
[1.18.2] Crash when using Shaders while on other planets.
#35 opened by ConqAra - 1
Crash when putting cryofuel in a rocket
#36 opened by Thepigcat76 - 2
why was the mod removed from CurseForge?
#43 opened by MSandro