- 1
Enchantment template recipe missing
#12 opened by Knightjoker101 - 3
Book Converting/ Enchantment Tablets
#13 opened by Knightjoker101 - 12
Doubleing enchants
#1 opened by usernameye - 6
Tools Breaking
#2 opened by Ceifeire - 3
Crash Report
#3 opened by min3rminor - 1
Repair any item crashes the game!
#4 opened by Wizyduck - 1
Extra enchantments
#5 opened by Ceifeire - 1
Diamond tool durability
#6 opened by astocky - 1
axe not letting sharpness be removed
#7 opened by otashhi - 1
How do i take off enchantments off of fishing rods?
#8 opened by Iamtherealbash - 2
How to correctly decrease damage so your tools don't break
#9 opened by ricksouth - 0
An update with the leftover tools?
#10 opened by usernameye - 0
Compatability with Upgraded Netherite mod
#11 opened by BlackWarrior2004