- 3
[Enhancement] Reduce number of NEI entries
#171 opened by nrllewellyn - 1
About the Agricultural Journal
#169 opened by TunkShif - 3
"Require Rakes" option is too "soft"
#165 opened by Timeslice42 - 6
Config option for mature seeds only
#164 opened by Timeslice42 - 5
Strange soil minetweaker issue
#163 opened by thegreatersea - 1
Psychedelicraft compatibility issue
#162 opened by TMRolle - 1
Ender-Lily Seeds?
#161 opened by Goten87 - 3
No greenhouses when using BoP worldtype
#160 opened by ate0ate - 1
level 10-10-10 seed will ignore all requirements
#158 opened by Goten87 - 1
Crops cannot be harvested by Ancient warfare crop farm
#157 opened by roboliutas - 9
[Bug/Suggestion] Breaking tallgrass crashes
#153 opened by Timeslice42 - 2
Opencomputer/Computercraft support for the seed analyser
#152 opened by LordTy - 14
Disabling Weeds causes corrupt recipe crash.
#151 opened by Rader2146 - 3
Seed Analyzer causes massive fps drop while active
#150 opened by MatthiasMann - 15
scanning seeds issue
#149 opened by Bentenmaru - 0
Block requirement upgrades
#147 opened by InfinityRaider - 1
Mutations.txt not automatically generating/regenerating when resource crops config option is changed
#146 opened by NecroManSea - 1
VillagerRegistry error
#145 opened by drago87 - 1
Irrigation channel FMP support
#144 opened by InfinityRaider - 1
Recipe for wooden bowl replaced by irrigation channel
#143 opened by adamkdean - 3
Channels not empting of water when gate is closed.
#142 opened by Gunner76th - 2
[1.3.1] Poisonous Potatoes not dropping as a side drop from Potatoes
#141 opened by thephoenixlodge - 2
Make rakes remove non-weed plants from crops
#140 opened by ewsmith - 2
Garlic from witchery won't give anything
#139 opened by JadeDrgn - 7
changed growth requirements for netherwart?
#138 opened by kotoroshinoto - 12
osmium nuggets added when mekanism is installed lack recipe for ingot
#137 opened by kotoroshinoto - 1
Crops do not spread
#135 opened by CJBok - 4
Make <ore:name> set baseblocks as an oredict requirement instead of using a boolean
#134 opened by InfinityRaider - 1
[idea] portable seed Analyzer
#133 opened by kurokuno - 2
AppleCoreHelper May Not See AppleCore as Loaded (Possibly Intermittent Issue)
#130 opened by crawford42 - 1
BaseBlock method no longer works with still water/lava
#129 opened by thegreatersea - 2
[Enhancement] Display required soil in NEI
#128 opened by hron84 - 7
IC flax fix
#126 opened by InfinityRaider - 3
[1.3.1]Witchery Garlic not producing fruit.
#125 opened by thephoenixlodge - 8
Crop sticks duplicating when right-click harvesting
#124 opened by InvaderAZ - 5
Resource plants enabled, mutation is in the config file, but mutation isn't working
#123 opened by kotoroshinoto - 2
Support for Pam's Mob Drop Crops
#122 opened by InkDragon - 17
self-mutations for increased crop stats don't seem to work
#121 opened by kotoroshinoto - 3
Steve's Factory Manager Item Selection Crash
#120 opened by rosefromthedead - 2
Сan not collect seeds....
#119 opened by Pilad - 1
AoE harvest with broken TiC scythe
#118 opened by Avalonzo - 9
Unable to place crops on Soul Sand
#117 opened by Avalonzo - 3
Error in console.
#116 opened by PavelInt - 6
Crash on world start with latest version 1.30 b407
#115 opened by Slither88 - 0
Journal misspell
#114 opened by Eilandor - 3
Some Natura Seeds Cannot Be Planted On Vanilla Farmland Or on Grass With Vanilla Farming Enabled
#113 opened by mikeloeven - 12
Crash once seed is analyzed in analyzer.
#112 opened by Slither88 - 1
Mystical Flowers not working.
#111 opened by AaronSutter - 7
Removed AgriCraft entirely and still getting bombed with console messages
#110 opened by shortybsd - 0
Greenhouse rarity config option
#109 opened by InfinityRaider