- 1
Agricraft Crashes Minecraft during startup
#1004 opened by sealchan1 - 3
Botania Horn of the Wilds won't harvest plants.
#1005 opened by Furious1964 - 1
Server Crashing
#1003 opened by CamaroKing59 - 1
1.10.2 a18 Crash in tile entity tick
#1011 opened by Dilnu - 6
1.10.2 0.10.0 a18 Infinite seed bug
#1012 opened by dang3rcraft - 1
Server Shutdown after injecting AgriCraft
#1013 opened by Murcielag0 - 3
[1.10.2] Incompatible with Actually Additions
#1014 opened by WeaselOnaStick - 9
Cannot affect number of drops a plant gives in config [a17]
#1009 opened by shadowbolt79 - 2
Agricraft 1.10.2 0.10.0-a18 Infinitylib 0.10 Null Pointer
#1010 opened by ReportBot9009 - 4
1.10.2 Some vanilla seeds
#1016 opened by darkmtbg2 - 2
Default Beet JSON files
#1015 opened by KennyBurch - 7
Bonemeal consumed ineffectively on unbonmealable crops.
#1018 opened by Dilnu - 2
1.10 a17: Agricultural journal doesn't record pre-analyzed seeds
#1019 opened by Dilnu - 5
#1024 opened by 3DLudi - 3
Regenerating JSON files?
#1025 opened by robertmaxton42 - 3
Re-add MFR support
#1032 opened by InjuredWolf - 3
Make it possible to update the Docs with PRs
#1033 opened by bibo38 - 1
[Agricraft a19] No seed storage ? FTB BEYOND
#1026 opened by cap1o - 1
a19: Seeds degrade on single spreading.
#1028 opened by Dilnu - 2
[Agricraft] - Question - Enable Resources Crops
#1027 opened by Papy-Serra - 5
Both Mushrooms cannot grow
#1029 opened by Meth962 - 2
JSON plant configuration files need updated documentation
#1030 opened by 3DLudi - 2
[a19] HarvestCraft seeds not working
#1031 opened by chland - 1
[1.10.2]Water pool and worm crash
#1035 opened by Boyownik - 3
a19: Potatoes are unable to pass 5/5/5
#1036 opened - 9
Can't stack seemingly identical seeds. (Slightly different NBT depending on source.)
#1037 opened by 3DLudi - 4
Crops spread to single crop sticks but not to cross crops (a19)
#1038 opened by Undrhil - 1
Mod ignores "Set to false to disable automatic JSON writeback" config line
#1039 opened by rinOfTheStars - 27
#1034 opened by Allalous - 2
(1.10.2) Seed Storage not Craftable?
#1041 opened by Massivefro - 1
Agricraft Tank Crash
#1042 opened by ShadowStalkr - 2
Mutated/Spreaded plants not being able to grow
#1040 opened by TurboniumAlt - 2
a19: Agricraft Tin Nuggets
#1043 opened - 5
Harvest Craft not being recognised by Agricraft at all?
#1044 opened by Zerys - 1
agri crash my game [Probably JourneyMap, RunTimeException]
#1047 opened by Goten87 - 1
Crash when searhing JEI
#1048 opened by rhbeffect - 3
#1045 opened by khris190 - 10
Seed Analyzer GUI won't open. (Version mismatch with InfinityLib.)
#1046 opened by warpath1985 - 4
Plants drop seeds when harvested. Bug? (a18+)
#1049 opened by TokkenGmr - 3
AgriCraft - JourneyMap crash
#1050 opened by Ockman - 2
CustomStuff Blocks & Items Not Found By AgriCraft
#1053 opened by MBelhardi - 1
Problems with creating new custom recipes for Agricraft (2.0.0-0.10.0-a19)
#1054 opened by MBelhardi - 8
Biomesoplenty turnip seeds problem
#1051 opened by winnetrie83 - 7
Harvestcraft, handling "seed" varieties
#1052 opened by winnetrie83 - 3
Some changed JSON files on the server are missing from the client.
#1056 opened by Sang-bin - 10
Crop spreading / stat increase wont work ?
#1055 opened by Darianna77 - 1
JEI and AgriCraft
#1060 opened by Harlou - 10
Model/texture of the sprinkler disappears
#1058 opened by MBelhardi - 4
conflict between "product - minimal" and "product - chance"
#1057 opened by MBelhardi - 2
how to translate (localisation) of plant-name and seed-name?
#1059 opened by MBelhardi