- 0
Magnetic Quarry uses Swarf sounds instead of Scrap Metal sounds
#800 opened by Inonedn - 1
Hood of Darkness and Cloak of Darkness not functioning
#799 opened by NeulichBeiKaufland - 2
tool display error when using gloves and something else video expires 2 day
#798 opened by diznard - 5
Falling through the floor with the Magnets
#797 opened by PiousVolcano - 1
A Minor Suggestion
#796 opened by Driestcombee - 1
Entity Tick Triggers Watchdog Crash
#795 opened by MynxOne - 11
Tectonic mod not compatible with Alex's Caves
#794 opened by Apocalyptichobo - 1
Mobs and players disappear at angle with shadow (raycat is invisible) when using shaders
#793 opened by LughtMon - 0
Multiple incompatibilities with Oculus
#792 opened by tankplanelaserkoala - 1
Crashing when trying to render Cat?
#791 opened by GraysonGreen - 0
Pewen and thornwood fence gate destroyed by water when open
#790 opened by KaratFeng - 1
crash due to poor generation of a tree
#789 opened by AngelEnriq - 0
Extremely Excessive Subterranodon Spawn Rates Causing Lag
#788 opened by SanguineWaters - 0
Coprolith's crafting recipe is exorbitantly overpriced
#787 opened by Inonedn - 3
Abyssal Chasm Doesn't Want to Appear
#786 opened by cartooneric84 - 0
Suggestion: would be great to see a config option on Watcher cooldown
#785 opened by Seth0067 - 0
error with epic fight
#784 opened by ShadowSlayerFX1 - 0
Suggestion: Primal's fang skin for trenor
#783 opened by pantsguyapp - 4
Structure compass cheese
#782 opened by pantsguyapp - 2
Weird fog issue when used with Nostalgic Tweaks
#781 opened by Amerith - 0
vallumraptors takes fall damage on 1 block when jump out of the ground
#780 opened by CurseForgeX11 - 1
Nuclear explosions causing chunks to bug and causing server lag
#778 opened by Joshua-1462 - 0
Crash on 1.0.9 multiplayer server
#777 opened by YediKeq - 0
Dreadbow does not recognize Void Scatter Arrows from L_ender's Cataclysm
#776 opened by DENOBODY2 - 1
No Light in the Primordial Caves
#775 opened by TEM187 - 0
The billboard section of Hologram Projectors' Holograms scales with the size of the actual entity rather than the hologram
#774 opened by PiggyDr - 2
bugged armor
#773 opened by kayvq - 2
Cannot Breed tremorsaurus
#772 opened by LaventaBreeze - 0
Summoned Deep Ones attack the player who summoned them if they damage themselves.
#771 opened by Otja - 2
The alex's caves armors have visual bugs.
#770 opened by HexagonOFF - 0
Config to allow configuring how many arrows Dreadbow will spawn
#769 opened by TelepathicGrunt - 0
Crash in creative mode 1.0.9
#768 opened by Vinzound - 0
Overflow of long Cave Compendium links is duplicated to a new line
#767 opened by PiggyDr - 1
Cave map not work, there seems to be a lack of this biomes presence
#765 opened by Usernaem0 - 0
Model won't show up, only when I pause It shows up
#764 opened by TulipTo - 0
Infinite Acid
#763 opened by Noonyeyz - 3
Alex - you are a pathetic individual farmer and the devil!
#762 opened by kitovoi111 - 1
Crash with version 1.0.9
#761 opened by Darklight-007 - 3
immense lag when inside toxic caves.
#760 opened by ashissilly - 2
[Suggestion] Compatibility with mod "Not Enough Animations" by tr7zw
#759 opened by Vinzound - 2
Crash when deep ones attacks
#758 opened by SireAwfulThe1st - 0
Magnetized Block Issue
#757 opened by beanboy1129 - 0
Tremorsaurus Spawn Issue
#756 opened by Barman746 - 2
Lava vision potion from Alex's mobs flickers when Alex's Caves is installed
#755 opened by PinkLasagna03 - 0
[Suggestion] add a recipe type for the nuclear furnace
#753 opened by Vikthos - 0
Server Crash involving Alex's Caves
#752 opened by TheCrystalPig - 3
Coming into physcial contact with unrefined waste with any shader on causes a huge visual issue
#751 opened by Lordnerdious - 1
thornwood and pwen not picked up as a tree type
#750 opened by GoatlyHorisions - 0
[Suggestion] Sulfur blocks mineable with silk touch
#749 opened by MarioSMB - 0
Seeker Arrows Attack Tamed Mobs
#748 opened by Barman746