- 0
Optional Server Side version
#20 opened by ChiefArug - 0
Suggestion: Anti ghost items
#22 opened by boasbakker - 2
Fabric 1.17.1 Crash mentioning Antighost
#23 opened by DatrixTHLK - 1
`/ghost` can kick you "for exceeding packet rate limit"
#24 opened by James103 - 1
Idea: Rename `/ghost` to `/cghost` to match ClientCommands naming convention
#25 opened by James103 - 1
Forge 1.20.1 Support?
#49 opened by PlayfulPiano - 3
Not compatible with Searchable Containers by: Areuthreateningme on curseforge
#26 opened by aak54261 - 1
Crashing when starting client
#27 opened by TheButterbrotMan - 3
1.7.10 Backport
#28 opened by Jerome226 - 3
Couldn't execute entrypoint stage 'client', causing a crash upon launching
#31 opened by NaiNonTH - 1
Game doesnt start and imediatley crashes with 1.19 version
#32 opened by sussyboiiii - 1
Curseforge Tag
#33 opened by Thunder-Nova - 1
1.8.9 Backport
#34 opened by 0iy - 11
Rebindable key
#35 opened by Hadoukanen - 3
Issues with 1.19.3
#36 opened by mmkthecoolest - 3
1.20 when?
#41 opened by Santiag09 - 1
Modrinth specificity
#42 opened by ColonelGerdauf - 2
1.20.2 support
#48 opened by PukPukov - 0
Modrinth doesn't list the Fabric API as a dependency
#50 opened by YoshiRulz - 0
Crashes with YACL 3.40
#51 opened by haptror - 1
1.20.6 support
#52 opened by MAttila42 - 0
#53 opened by OPkiller4629 - 1
Crash after experiencing the ghost bug and re-entering world – java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
#2 opened by Dimentive - 5
Can we update more ghostblock?
#4 opened by GilloDaby - 1
1.8.9 backport?
#5 opened by gbl - 5
#6 opened by 5HT2 - 1
4 block radius
#7 opened by willperes - 1
Invalid "NOmixins" entry in mod json
#9 opened by Fourmisain - 3
Support multiconnect/ViaFabric
#10 opened by Madis0 - 4
Auto Antighost
#11 opened by UltraBlackLinux - 0
Code optimization
#12 opened by VoidCyborg - 1
Incompatible with Random patches
#14 opened by FewerFlaws - 3
Compilation issue
#16 opened by crystall1nedev - 4
Need it for 1.16.5 Forge Please Update using "Prefabs" mod causing chunk ghosting.
#17 opened by P3rf3ctXZer0 - 1
Fabric: Failed to Launch
#19 opened by blockswerker - 2
Add License/Modpack policy
#1 opened by UnPure