- 1
AE2WTLib-1.2.5 incompatibilty with release version of AE2 8.4.0
#98 opened by DigiDuncan - 1
Crafting Jobs doubled
#109 opened by mdgilene - 1
Crafting Jobs doubled
#110 opened by mdgilene - 0
change focus doesn't work with magnet card and switch terminals button
#99 opened by Mari023 - 0
Korean Translation
#100 opened by gyular - 1
make WCTMenu return the gridnode of the security terminal if outside of WAP range
#102 opened by Mari023 - 3
rework Infinity booster card
#101 opened by Mari023 - 1
don't change AEBaseMenu#lockPlayerInventorySlot in a mixin, it is public
#105 opened by Mari023 - 1
opening a terminal from the offhand crashes while locking offhand slot
#106 opened by Mari023 - 1
Starting a crafting task in the wireless crafting terminal (when in a trinket slot) does not return to the terminal screen
#104 opened by Mari023 - 2
add Testplot
#112 opened by Mari023 - 0
rework wireless universal terminal recipe
#116 opened by Mari023 - 0
use some kind of auto formater
#115 opened by Mari023 - 1
Crash/compatibility with Sound Physics
#118 opened by greensad - 2
V10.0.0-release crash
#119 opened by Rithenar - 4
[Suggestion] Universal Terminal recipe adjustments
#120 opened by RubyRezal - 7
10.1.1-beta.1 causes a crash on startup on fabric
#122 opened by JustAnOkapi - 1
crash 1.18.1
#126 opened by laboriens - 0
support curios on forge
#123 opened by Mari023 - 2
[Feature Request] Magnet Card item blacklist
#124 opened by RubyRezal - 0
Crash on server using beta2
#125 opened by Panderine - 1
Config Screen issue
#127 opened by StarskyXIII - 1
give you discord plssss
#128 opened by Domaman202 - 2
[1.17.1] not understand the exact reson, but from the one to the other second my game is crashen once I connect to the server
#130 opened by MSandro - 2
Crash on loading, Fabric 1.18.2, when no trinkets is present
#131 opened by rrusciguy - 1
10.1.1-beta.6-forge crash. Forgot to register something?
#133 opened by border999 - 6
anti magnet device covering a zone like the Botania' solegnolia
#134 opened by FederAndInk - 2
infinity booster card
#135 opened by G4ming69 - 8
Restock not always working
#136 opened by FederAndInk - 1
universal terminal energy drains super fast when in other dimension
#137 opened by coaber - 1
don't use cloth config
#138 opened by Mari023 - 2
Crash on server with ae2wtlib-11.1.0
#139 opened by BonaireDreams - 2
[Fabric] Failed to start server with AE2WTLib 11.1.0
#140 opened by DatuStram - 2
Crash in Single player when placed in ring curio slot
#141 opened by sadovsf - 3
#142 opened by castilio20 - 0
BUG: crashing induced in combination with another mod
#143 opened by GeminiMarshdevil - 4
charging card
#144 opened by Mari023 - 0
Crash on tick when Curio isn't present
#147 opened by SDPhantom - 0
Magnet Card crash on 1.18.2 fabric
#149 opened by itsdinkd - 8
Infinity Booster Card works only in the first two upgrade slots
#154 opened by uselessSABOTAGE - 5
A matter of life and coding
#150 opened by Domaman202 - 2
Hmm... more warnings in logs...
#153 opened by Domaman202 - 0
fix Inventory label in wct
#158 opened by Mari023 - 1
[1.19.2 - Forge] Can't use JEI or REI to quickly move items for recipes.
#155 opened by WhitePhant0m - 1
REI integration doesn't work on forge
#156 opened by Mari023 - 2
option to make the wireless crafting terminal look like ae2's
#157 opened by Mari023 - 0
make the trash can it's own GUI
#159 opened by Mari023 - 2
Taking out the singularity or upgrade renders the teminal unusable until you come back in range
#160 opened by Mari023 - 26
[1.19.2, 1.20.1] Crash without crash report
#163 opened by aking4125 - 0
restock only to half a stack
#164 opened by Mari023