- 2
Optimize storage cells
#3553 opened by fscan - 1
ME Export/Import Bus dont work
#3551 opened by Tonetfal - 0
Wireless access point power consumption doesn't update properly
#3548 opened by VolcanoINC - 1
Security terminal lockout
#3547 opened by x1R1SHN1NJAx - 1
Texture/Model cleanup
#3546 opened by yueh - 7
#3541 opened by meitangdehulu - 6
Add support for more than 9 items to autocrafting.
#3540 opened by kriNon - 7
Repost request
#3538 opened by keeptpa - 1
Item Exporting methods are unknown (taking items out of system into chests automatically)
#3537 opened by AwesomeDragon10 - 1
Performance issue from appeng.hooks.TickHandler.onTick()
#3536 opened by JoeSGT - 0
Crash constructing QuartzWorldGen with B:ChargedCertusOre=false in config
#3535 opened by wjrogers - 4
Adding silicon(refinedstorage) to craft inscriber silicon plate.
#3534 opened by Oleksandrigo - 6
Can't take off and put in items in ME
#3533 opened by kave777 - 1
Annihilation plane not able to store items to main network with a security terminal
#3532 opened by bramhut - 3
Crafting Lag/Console Spam when Crafting Mekanism Items (Cables / Induction Cells / Induction Providers)
#3531 opened by KAfable - 1
Crash from AE2? (Or what is it from..?)
#3530 opened by 34486 - 2
Server Keeps Crashing... not sure what the problem is.
#3529 opened by carterisonline - 1
Crafting recipe with Priority
#3528 opened by 4Source - 1
Cannot have two patterns to make ingots
#3527 opened by TH3GOD88 - 1
Inscriber issue
#3526 opened by mukzon - 5
unload and load chunks causing bad performance
#3524 opened by JoeSGT - 5
[Request] Auto-Hide Facades
#3523 opened by Skaphegor - 4
Server Tick Loop Crash
#3522 opened by Jo-Mamma75 - 1
Default sort-by-mod order is reversed
#3520 opened by kylev - 6
Huge performance issue
#3519 opened by DeadlyGamer1 - 2
Game crashes at launch: Unknown item 'appliedenergistics2:certus_quartz_cutting_knife'
#3518 opened by Isaac-SOL - 2
Game start crash
#3516 opened by shadowslayer111 - 1
Ae2 addon (sorry for that spam issue)
#3515 opened by AAzazell - 1
Addon for AE2 version: 1.7.10
#3513 opened by AAzazell - 2
Inscriber wont accept any press
#3512 opened by RubenSteen - 1
Server crash
#3511 opened by CommanderTvis - 1
ME Drive not being detected by Smart Cable despite having channels and other ME Drives near it operating normally
#3509 opened by Dystilled - 3
Pulling from Inteface using OC Transposer doesn't update item
#3508 opened by Faeranne - 2
EnderIO combined with AE2 and ThermalExpansion
#3507 opened by 5pHiNxX - 10
ME System not using multiple inscribers
#3506 opened by ThijmenL98 - 1
Java EOFException while joining
#3505 opened by supi1290 - 1
forge update ?
#3503 opened by croziors - 16
Heavy delay when interacting with item in shown by AE2
#3502 opened by andr9528 - 1
Pulling all of an item out of the system causes a crash and world corruption
#3501 opened by PaulVlahosCS - 1
Substitutions seem not to be working
#3500 opened by mmalfatti - 3
Minecraft crashed while rendering the crank of a grindstone
#3499 opened by NYorck - 5
Unable to properly autocraft storage cells
#3498 opened by Sovereignty89 - 1
Disabled channel setting cause ME Crafting terminal to start bugging
#3493 opened by lucaschan1020 - 0
Interfaces don't forget pattern
#3492 opened by Bigfod - 2
Null Pointer Block Cable Bus
#3491 opened by artdude543 - 6
Massive Lag in Pattern Terminal
#3490 opened by scotty9090 - 5
While searching in the terminal and hovering over an item, pressing R will trigger JEI
#3489 opened by kosakriszi - 7
Can't take Ender IO Soul binder out of ME system
#3488 opened by vinyl90 - 2
Items Wont leave Me Interface Inventory
#3487 opened by Genetichunter - 2
cascading worldgen lag on world creation (server) (1.12.2) (rv5 stable 11)
#3486 opened by lAimBotl