- 3
Can generate infinite of any molten fluid with the fluid formation plane/fluid interface
#4330 opened by AlphaWarrior987 - 3
Why did Gradle version change and break setup
#4331 opened by frizzle101101 - 0
Accurate damage panel cannot be accurately collected
#4332 opened by qqqbqqqq - 10
minMeteoriteDistance functionality doesn't entirely make sense
#4333 opened by unexceptable - 6
ConcurrentModificationException with quantum bridges on servers
#4336 opened by vincent-163 - 3
- 3
Game crashed
#4338 opened by Warrendi - 1
Infinite Stashing Using Shulker Box
Constant Rendering Block Entity Crash
#4334 opened by Jwilson106 - 2
Not an issue: question about server client relationship
#4335 opened by frizzle101101 - 3
Instant Singularity
Add "show all" button to interface terminal
#4340 opened by Meryl - 0
Dupe ME
#4341 opened by TheKlimoT - 5
Interface and cable visual glitch
#4342 opened by Beidub - 1
AE2 issues on Catserver jar including Storage Cell entry and (rarely) server crashing
#4344 opened by Th4nat0s1s - 1
Multiple Wireless Terminals, can't use because of Security Terminal.
#4345 opened by GladBody22 - 4
Drives don't connect how they sould
#4346 opened by XilefTech - 1
Freezing with Iron Backpacks
#4347 opened by LemonJamTart - 4
TPS lag AE2 nested crafting
#4348 opened by blichte1 - 1
ME Level Emitter + Crafting Card -> accept multiple items
#4349 opened by Melfick - 1
Autocrafting Growth Crystals Tier 3 stuck at Simulation (1.12.2)
#4350 opened by Sventecc - 1
Applied Energistics 2 Server Problem - Sky Factory 4
#4351 opened by Andre16011995 - 14
AE2 Quantum Ring issue
#4354 opened by danielpmc - 4
Fluids getting incorrectly voided into sink
#4355 opened by quantumllama - 10
Applied-Energistics-2 Crash
#4358 opened by KiaraMinecraft - 0
Source and design questions
#4359 opened by frizzle101101 - 10
Multiple channels cause EXTREME lag in multiplayer and single player worlds.
#4360 opened by MrTrilB - 1
Game crashes when disabling pure crystals
#4356 opened by Tepiltzin - 5
Items not showing up on Terminals
#4361 opened by XilefTech - 2
Tight cable do not count channels on server.
#4364 opened by sunddc - 1
Game crashed when placing an Energy Cell next to Flux Networks Flux Point
#4362 opened by TheGreatAutismo - 2
AE2 corruption in World - Voids Fluids put into the system
#4363 opened by PiggyWhiskey - 3
ConcurrentModificationException crash in AE2 under server high load.
#4366 opened by skyline918 - 1
Crafting computers randomly stop working
#4367 opened by blindmoomoo - 3
Why my channels not working
#4368 opened by MagicFreeMaster - 3
There's a problem with AE system handling items with a huge NBT strings!
#4369 opened by Dm5354 - 1
umm i hav a problem whit my mod applid energestics 2
#4371 opened by oskarmikey - 5
Autocraft stuck at simulating while crafting NC cooler
#4372 opened by fdevx - 1
Pressing Next take a long time.
#4370 opened by Quazaka - 17
Autocrafting stuck at "sceduled"
#4375 opened by fdevx - 0
me terminal stuck faded and stuck on screen even if i close minecraft
#4374 opened by Xutine - 1
Allow for searching ingredients within recipe patterns in interface terminal
#4376 opened by BenLarge1 - 1
Tinkers construct mod docent appear when i do the @
#4378 opened by AliesterYT - 13
All terminals empty - network still up
#4380 opened by robertperbes - 2
#4381 opened by ArchieBeepBoop - 1
AE2 and YABBA makes the game freeze
#4382 opened by nycolassoares - 1
Suggestion for "Gird update()", and potential bug report
#4383 opened by NattoCB - 1
Max Autocrafting
#4384 opened by Zephreo - 1
CraftingManager fallback "High Voltage Solar Array" from Compact Solar
#4385 opened by hduelme - 2
This crash happened after stage 4 in the loading process
#4386 opened by babymanperson