- 2
Vibration Chamber doesn't open
#5204 opened by fattredd - 0
Limit SCS area to the largest spatial cell
#5203 opened by yueh - 3
Opening REI settings in Crafting Terminal crashes the game
#5202 opened by Silky777 - 1
Potential for Infinite Items from ME Pattern Terminal
#5201 opened by OrionCummings - 0
Separate search box modes into multiple distinct options.
#5200 opened by yueh - 14
AE2: terminals not showing items
#5199 opened by MJOwen10 - 1
Use an in world overlay to highlight blocks incompatible with spatial IO
#5198 opened by yueh - 1
Update certus worldgen to match 1.18 concepts
#5197 opened by yueh - 1
Move certain config options from common to server
#5196 opened by yueh - 0
Split energy level emitter into a distinct part
#5195 opened by yueh - 6
Ae2 stuff getting added to Ae2
#5193 opened by Sleeclow - 2
Suggested : Dimension ID in Config as option
#5192 opened by McKitten - 1
Me System, Cant Access
#5191 opened by Logics2996 - 2
WAILA Support to 1.16.5 forge
#5190 opened by litjohn50 - 1
Wireless Crafting
#5189 opened by Logics2996 - 1
ME System Automation
#5188 opened by Logics2996 - 1
Evaluate replacing some iron with copper in recipes
#5187 opened by yueh - 4
Auto crafting issue with both "crafting" and "uncrafting" patterns.
#5186 opened by Shroototem - 1
Fabric cables and facades lose textures
#5185 opened by Phoupraw - 0
⚠️ Unsupported mods
#5184 opened by yueh - 0
❕ Modpack support
#5183 opened by yueh - 2
Spatial cell "No server is currently running" logspam
#5182 opened by sleepy-evelyn - 1
Block Entity Spatial storage rendering issues (fabric)
#5181 opened by sleepy-evelyn - 1
Head unremovable from Terminal
#5180 opened by kiozix - 0
Merge `IDefinitions.materials()` and `` into `IDefinitions.items()`
#5179 opened by yueh - 2
Decouple API from registration
#5178 opened by yueh - 0
can't open the vibration chamber
#5177 opened by ItzPapa - 1
Cant even open Vibration chamber, No error code
#5176 opened by ItzTermx - 2
Certus Quartz Crystals not keeping charge
#5175 opened by Songar87 - 7
Can't see any stored items in craftin Terminal
#5173 opened by Mars1984Upilami - 1
Fuzzy filter on export bus crashes when filter item is indestructable
#5172 opened by pengi - 3
Drop ``
#5171 opened by yueh - 0
Consider storing only the item id not the full itemstack for the cable bus
#5170 opened by yueh - 1
Have `IPart#getDrops()` handle dropping the part itself
#5169 opened by yueh - 4
Crafting plan blank
#5168 opened by Jaders2 - 0
AE/RF config in 1.16.5 not working and not accepting RF power
#5167 opened by reckonedstormlight - 1
NPE with Rendering screen message while opening Crafting Status
#5166 opened by lilmayu - 0
Make crafting and processing patterns more distinct
#5165 opened by yueh - 9
Are molecular assemblers broken, or did their usage change/are they disabled in alpha?
#5164 opened by Kinsypoo - 2
Level emitter crafting support for checking whether *anything* is crafting
#5163 opened by Hawk777 - 2
Tie the Craft Amount Buttons to the max. stack size of the item being crafted
#5162 opened by shartte - 0
Crafting CPUs should only wait for items if they're used within the process
#5161 opened by shartte - 7
1.16.5 Dedicated server crash on autocrafting - Exception in server tick loop java.util.ConcurrentModificationException: null at appeng.util.item.ItemList$
#5158 opened by ProsperCraft - 2
Spatial IO Ports inside Spatial Storage Cells don't capture/deploy entities
#5157 opened by gdavid04 - 0
Compass being placed on the side of a block breaks the model
#5156 opened by 5ully - 7
P2P ports disappearing when clicked on with Mekanism cables and pipes
#5155 opened by CloWnicide - 2
ME Auto crafting bug?
#5154 opened by LordBene - 0
💥 1.17 API breaks and stability
#5153 opened by yueh - 4
Consider splitting the ME interface into multiple parts/blocks
#5152 opened by yueh - 11
ME Interface with crafting card + Storage Bus breaks terminals
#5151 opened by Imsvale