- 1
[Suggestion] Add Entro Infused Ingot recipe to Crystal Assembler
#204 opened by Drackion - 3
Add an option for precise storage bus to have a general restriction for amount of items to store
#196 opened by MageInBlack - 1
[Bug] Opening a provider with a networking tool in your inventory crashes
#197 opened by Kevin-Marsh - 1
Wireless Connector crashes client when rendering Integrated Dynamics parts
#199 opened by Jmpp2909 - 2
Induction card causes massive lag while in a pattern provider 1.21
#200 opened by VoidTest - 2
[Suggestion] Retire the extended inscriber and craft processors in the Crystal Assembler
#203 opened by Kevin-Marsh - 1
[Suggestion] Add a charged redstone block
#211 opened by Kevin-Marsh - 2
#210 opened by 0O0OwO0O0 - 1
[Suggestion] Let active formation panel be able to use crafting cards.
#205 opened by chrisyang1007 - 1
Need for Fabric (1.20.1)
#206 opened by Vitokhv - 1
[Bug] Concurrent inscriber press dropped by the mysterious cube
#207 opened by Kevin-Marsh - 1
add modes for tag export bus
#208 opened by Minecrafter8001 - 1
AE2WirelessTerminalLibrary(AE2WTLib) incompatibility
#209 opened by MrChuw - 0
[New Feature/Suggestion] Add Extended Annihilation plane
#212 opened by Traycken - 2
#213 opened by zhcn000000 - 1
[Bug] ExtendedAe seems to be causing an issue with update recipes.
#214 opened by Kevin-Marsh - 1
Extended Interface, Oversized Interface and Pattern provider display an enormous Jade tooltip
#215 opened by en-lucas - 1
Mekanism removed a FloatingLong method that AppFlux depends on
#216 opened by djnifos - 1
how to input energy?
#217 opened by davethemodderguy - 1
Server Crash post Startup with 1.21-1.1.2 of applied flux
#218 opened by micrwvae - 1
When im opening the Exteneded Inscriber it kicks me to the tiel screen
#225 opened by Gh3ttoboy - 1
Allow shift clicking patterns into Assembler Matrix
#226 opened by WhitePhant0m - 1
[Suggestion] Crafting card on Threshold Export Bus
#219 opened by wildex999 - 2
When creating an assembler matrix I need to reload the world for it to show the correct number of patterns
#220 opened by ArginEridark - 1
#222 opened by Remering - 0
More than 2 acceleration cards breaks extended inscribers.
#223 opened by TheGameAce - 1
Extended Drive always facing north after re-enter the world
#224 opened by BlazeHunterVN1610 - 0
[This Pattern Isn't Supported by ExtendedAE Message]: MegaCells Decompression Pattern
#232 opened by lexi-the-cute - 1
[1.21 Issue] Assembler Matrix building rules appear to be wrong or not followed
#227 opened by DawnFayrie - 1
1.21 Guide Add detail about assembly matrix
#228 opened by neonbladez2 - 1
[Crash]: Breaking a running Matrix leads to a crash
#229 opened by Satherov - 2
Applied Flux - Would like FE findable in JEI for ME Interface and other filters
#230 opened by chrhyman - 2
Extended inscriber have a high rendering cost
#231 opened by Mecr0mage - 1
Oversized Interface's fluid storage capacity can be abused to store fluids in the network
#233 opened by MageInBlack - 0
MegaCells新加了Sky Osmium锭,希望水晶装配器添加支持
#234 opened by ZHENGLOC - 3
App Flux and AE2 heavy lag
#235 opened by MasiTheCrow - 2
Extended Inscriber messes up auto-crafting w/o presses inside. (1.20.1 Latest - Forge)
#236 opened by TheGameAce - 1
Modrinth Pages Outdated (ExtendedAE & Network Analyzer)
#242 opened by Silvertail4764 - 1
Canner can store ludicrous amount of fluid
#237 opened by MageInBlack - 2
Canner deletes buckets/other containers in fill mode
#238 opened by MageInBlack - 1
[MC 1.21.1 Neoforge] Recipes for crystal assembler do not show in JEI
#239 opened by Saereth - 3
Matrix assembler causes intense lag when requesting big Auto-crafts
#241 opened by TheSadKem - 1
#240 opened by alexzhaozzh - 5
【功能请求】代理样板供应器 与 倍乘样板供应器(或者做到一起?)
#246 opened by suoliangao - 0
#244 opened by xinxinsuried - 1
[Bug] 切片机工作期间, 取出原料, 进度依然会增长, 若在进度完成前再放回原料, 依然能正常输出产物
#245 opened by LittleCircleOO - 1
Crash when opening ME Wireless Connector
#248 opened by westriel - 2
Oversized Interface Can Store Absurd Values of Fluids
#249 opened by UnknownSerhan - 2
1.20.1 - Forge | Game crashed when you type 2 mod names that has the same letters at the beginning
#251 opened by knighthat - 1
Bug: export bus is offline after upgrade
#255 opened by Mithi83