- 2
[AA 1.6.0] Invalid class being called serverside
#50 opened by Desempregago - 4
Incompatibility with Sledgehammer
#51 opened by mxnmnm - 2
Crash before game load
#64 opened by MasterBuilder747 - 2
- 5
- 2
Mods with their own water-rendering blocks don't add color
#53 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Compatibility with Openblocks
#54 opened by mxnmnm - 7
Water is colorless in the Crucible (Thaumcraft Compatibility)
#55 opened by Turkey9002 - 4
Certain Baubles don't stay attached to the player while swimming/crawling
#56 opened by Turkey9002 - 3
Crash on login with latest mod version.
#57 opened - 1
Cyclic Compatibility
#58 opened by mxnmnm - 7
#59 opened by MagmaBro123 - 5
[1.12.2] No water color if the texture is used with certain mods.
#60 opened by SonicX8000 - 5
Compatibility with Immersive Intelligence
#61 opened by Carvercarver1 - 6
Odd graphical bug with the bubble colums feature?
#62 opened by Carvercarver1 - 19
Betweenlands tar doesn't slow down the player very much
#67 opened by SeriousCreeper - 9
- 5
Issues with Mekanism Tanks (and Tanks in general)
#63 opened by Desempregago - 6
- 1
[Suggestion] Option to toggle 'crawling' mode? Like if you press/hold a button... you'll enter 'crawling' mode.
#68 opened by SonicX8000 - 2
Catserver open service a moment to report an error
#69 opened by Lonelyxiya - 1
Crash when opening controls menu
#71 opened by v1993 - 3
1.11.0 Crash on startup
#72 opened by brisingraerowing - 13
Crash on joining world on 1.11.1
#73 opened by juraj-hrivnak - 1
[Bug] [1.11.2] [Mixinbooter 4.1] Crash/ Softlock when other player is performing the eating animation
#74 opened by Vapaman - 5
Mo' Bends[bug]
#75 opened by Lonelyxiya - 4
Odd cauldron textures.
#76 opened by Carvercarver1 - 2
When the "New Water" config is false, water fog turns pure white
#77 opened by juraj-hrivnak - 1
[BUG] Bubble colums not functioning after new FluidLogged API update
#79 opened by Carvercarver1 - 1
Incompatible with Chiseled Me
#78 opened by freopt - 2
[Question]Bubble column cannot affect ender pearl
#80 opened by TUsama - 3
Compatibility with Witchery Resurrected
#81 opened by DarianLStephens - 5
[SUGGESTION] Witchery: Resurrected integration
#82 opened by Shazuli - 1
[BUG] [New feature suggestion] Collision boxes of other mods, issue with CIE mod
#85 opened by Carvercarver1 - 2
Ticking entity crash with Biomes o' Plenty boats
#84 opened by juraj-hrivnak - 5
When I load Aqua Acrobatics it crashes
#86 opened by ainlzj - 1
Glitch with flans mod
#87 opened by Dan4oby - 20
Incompatible with OptiFine G5
#88 opened by MistakingManx - 7
[Compat] Eye height not changing based on ArtemisLib size
#89 opened by kappa-maintainer - 7
Server Configuration Syncing issues
#90 opened by MistakingManx - 1
Suggestion - Add the new climbing as an option
#91 opened by MistakingManx - 0
[Suggestion] Possible to increase the 'drown' damage as well as changing the timer for it?
#92 opened by SonicX8000 - 1
Mo Bends Bug
#93 opened by SenZ01 - 1
Suggestion: Interact/Drop items activates swinging animation
#94 opened by 2sumango - 4
Bubble Celoms Backport mod causes water to become bugged.
#95 opened by MagmaBro123 - 5
Allow Bubble Column blocks to be configured.
#96 opened by MagmaBro123 - 9
After adding Acrobatics, the angle of the character does not shift when lying down
#99 opened by ainlzj - 3
Crash with FirEmerald's RenderPlayerAPI
#97 opened by LordEpos - 1
Crash on launch
#98 opened by lartts - 1
Crash with mod-Not Just Another Ruby Mod 2
#100 opened by hasuu