- 1
Any way to disable "prone"
#36 opened - 1
- 10
Compatibility issues with TickCentral
#44 opened by Ameranth - 1
Missing mixins crash on startup instead of showing a notification screen
#45 opened by Fuzss - 1
Colorless Water in JEI
#46 opened by mxnmnm - 6
Crash on startup.
#47 opened by Carvercarver1 - 4
Water in modded biomes not being affected by custom config colors?
#48 opened by Turkey9002 - 4
[1.12.2] Compact with Trinkets & Baubles Race Rings?
#49 opened by SonicX8000 - 7
¿compatibility with Biomes O' Plenty?
#38 opened by DeviantSoft - 1
Replenish Air Slowly slightly bugged?
#39 opened by Turkey9002 - 4
Newest version crashes on startup
#40 opened by juraj-hrivnak - 1
Blindness has no effect underwater
#41 opened by ElLiox - 3
Duplicate Versions
#42 opened by mxnmnm - 2
[Suggestion] Custom biome water colors
#43 opened by mxnmnm - 1
sneaking in spectator mode is janky
#3 opened by WarlordWossman - 1
Cannot go on a top slab with a block on top making it 1.5 blocks tall
#4 opened by futurenp - 1
crash before launching successfully
#5 opened by touhouzun - 1
player animation desync with armor when swimming
#6 opened by touhouzun - 1
hitbox issue when flying
#7 opened by touhouzun - 2
some little suggestions
#8 opened by touhouzun - 9
Server Forcibly Disconnecting Players for Bounding Box
#9 opened by jordan-moore - 1
back equipment not in correct position
#11 opened by touhouzun - 1
swimming animation still aren't correct
#12 opened by touhouzun - 1
Incompatibility with NoSlow
#14 opened by Noble772 - 1
Issues with resizing mod, flatness
#13 opened by Hydraheads - 1
[1.12.2] Conflict with Galacticraft. Sneaking under blocks doesn't seem work as they should.
#16 opened by SonicX8000 - 4
Random Injection Error on startup
#17 opened by mo0dss - 1
Serverside crash while loading
#18 opened by Duatao7055 - 1
Black box underwater in 3rd person. 1.12.2 forge
#19 opened by Sageking10 - 1
[1.12.2] Conflict with Metallurgy 4 Reforged: Etherium Armor Set doesn't let you phase through walls while sneaking.
#20 opened by SonicX8000 - 14
[1.12.2] Crashed with sponge
#21 opened by SettingDust - 1
[Suggestion] Сrawling
#22 opened by Dan4oby - 3
[1.12.2] Crash with Thicc Entities
#23 opened by 2sumango - 1
Weirdness with Mo bends
#24 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Flying bug
#25 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Better Diving Compat
#27 opened by mxnmnm - 1
Artemis Lib Compat not working
#26 opened by mxnmnm - 5
Custom Player Model compatibility problem
#28 opened by AileRozy - 5
Blocks pushing player in random directions
#29 opened by democat3457 - 9
Issue with Galacticraft
#30 opened - 2
Compatibility with BetterDiving
#31 opened by DoomRater - 1
Vampirism Issues
#33 opened by Hydraheads - 5
Elytra helper only seems to affect vanilla elytras
#34 opened by DoomRater - 2
[Request]GoProne integration
#35 opened by DoomRater