- 2
1.20.4 patch?
#41 opened by vlad8599 - 6
[Bug Report] Amethyst doesnt gives me a potion buff
#40 opened by vlad8599 - 2
[Feature Request] pillagers shouldnt ignore you when you hit them
#39 opened by MoreCaveSounds - 3
[Bug Report] "high" Server thread use (Spark Profile)
#38 opened by peow - 1
[Bug Report] I cant add modded vanilla materials!
#37 opened by vlad8599 - 6
Copper Trim Buff Completely OP Stacking incorrectly?
#36 opened by alexweber - 1
[Bug Report] Added vanilla materials cannot be used
#35 opened by Skrublord540 - 2
[Bug Report] New update falsely applying compat mixin for a target mod that is not present
#34 opened by Tempest-5ky - 1
Mining faster bug
#33 opened by TreeGar2009 - 2
[Bug Report] Incompatible with 'StackedTrims'
#32 opened by EmojiPati - 5
[Bug Report] list of bugs I found
#29 opened by peow - 4
[Bug Report] incompatibility with Trims Expanded
#28 opened by peow - 3
Materiel Request, Marium's Soulslike Weaponry
#27 opened by JoTek4251 - 0
Blocks don't mine when using Iron Trim
#26 opened by Kairo-Kuraku - 1
[Bug Report] How to use the "Additional Vanilla"
#25 opened by IrvanHansen19 - 2
[Bug Report] Accessing LegacyRandomSource from multiple threads
#24 opened by FatPorpoise - 1
[Bug Report] Indium conflicts with BetterTrims
#23 opened by noonbles - 1
[Material Request] Experience Nuggets
#22 opened by James103 - 2
[Bug Report] Server config not controlling clients properly
#21 opened by Sipxer - 3
Support for More Armor Trims by masik16u [Feature Request]
#20 opened by DarkkRevenant - 2
[Request] Add trim effects to tooltip
#19 opened by teleheel - 4
[Material Request] Trims Expanded Materials
#18 opened by Ultimushadow - 3
[Material Request] Silver!
#17 opened by Ultimushadow - 2
[Bug Report] Modded armor may lose enchantability when trimmed with lapis
#16 opened by James103 - 11
[Bug Report] server & client crash at start up with latest update
#15 opened by dadoirie - 2
[Compat Request] compat with Guarding
#14 opened by dadoirie - 3
[Bug Report] massive STDOUT spams letter "a"
#13 opened by dadoirie - 3
compat request
#12 opened by Developer2704 - 2
Effects not applied when mounted
#11 opened by dadoirie - 2
Compatibility with Trimmable Tools
#10 opened by dadoirie - 1
Is this mod server only?
#9 opened by seriaati - 3
changing trim_durability value in config doesn't seem to work, possibly others as well
#8 opened by notandvm - 1
Durability makes smithing templates not stack.
#7 opened by ArneDeGeeter - 1
Error upon loading
#6 opened by BrandonPotter0 - 5
Suggestion: Each Trim Design Set Bonus has different buffs
#5 opened by ConqAra - 1
Suggestion: Trim Templates QoL
#4 opened by ConqAra - 4
Amethyst buff?
#3 opened by socalledtheraven - 2
Config file for changing percentages
#2 opened by ConqAra - 5
[Suggestion] Could netherite be a little better?
#1 opened by ConqAra