200,646 Mods
Take's Crafts
347 DownloadsAdds new crafts, which in my opinion should be in the game by default.
Let Me Teleport
343 DownloadsA simple mod to stop your server from complaining about players moving too quickly when they get teleported.
Legible Alchemy
341 DownloadsMod that tries to fix certain potion recipes not showing up in recipe viewers.
Unicode Fix
328 DownloadsFixes force unicode font settings doesn't works on some languages in minecraft 1.12.2 below.
Water/Particles Render Fix
325 DownloadsA mixins patch for Minecraft 1.7.10 to (finally) fix problem with water and particles render order
CustomNPCs Unofficial from BetaZavr
312 DownloadsCustomNPCs is a modification for the game Minecraft aimed at creating your own maps in the RPG genre. A huge set of tools for creating your own NPCs and their capabilities; your own blocks and items; quests and other game elements.
Seeking Hearts
308 DownloadsA mod that gives Creaking Hearts much needed player peeper detection
307 DownloadsPatches game to fix issue where dragon respawning can get stuck
Less Airpockets
304 DownloadsThis mod disallows placement in fluid for many vanilla blocks
303 DownloadsDo you feel like minecraft has become boring? Well Contentcraft is here to fix that! meet the all in one mod fixing minecrafts progression, advancements, items and way more!
grappling hooks re-reforked
297 Downloadsfixes a bug in the code all I did was move the this.shootingEntity != null check into the first line theoretically an early exit should occur and it won't be used if it doesn't exist thereby removing the occurance of that error
Phantasm Phix
296 DownloadsCustom mod for the MCSX modpack that fixes certain items in End's Phantasm
284 DownloadsFlying past the boundaries of what you can do with a Minecraft library mod!
Lived's Playerhead Recipes
282 DownloadsHead Recipes for Minercraft.
Don't Keep Vanishing Items
278 DownloadsLets items with curse of vanishing disappear on death even when the keep inventory gamerule is enabled.
The Destripinator - (Better Stripped Wood/Logs)
274 DownloadsAdds a new item "The DESTRIPINATOR" to put the bark back on your wood :)
Spore Nightmare Mix (Fix Gateway Compat)
274 DownloadsThis mod fixes a crash issue when Calamity summoned from Gateway To Eternity dies
Client-side Custom Music Disc Fix
270 DownloadsA simple client-side mod that fixes MC-260346 where custom music discs are cut off if they exceed the vanilla length.
Don't Stop Sprinting!
268 DownloadsAllows the player to sprint whilst performing actions that would slow you down. (Pre 1.21.4 versions did this)
Potion Fixes
264 DownloadsFixes a few issues with potion-related systems