- 0
[1.12.2] Config: Only tamed horses as personal horse
#11 opened by Tschipp - 0
[1.12.2] Cost to respawning (Cooldown, lycanites)
#12 opened by Tschipp - 1
[1.12.2] Fix respawned horses being dead
#9 opened by Tschipp - 0
[1.12.2] Add item to set horses
#10 opened by Tschipp - 0
[1.12.2] Config: Hide last known position
#13 opened by Tschipp - 4
[1.16.5] Couldn't parse loot modifier callablehorses:horse_drop java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Invalid entity target THIS
#14 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
[1.12.2] Error
#27 opened by StellarHarbour - 1
how to add other mods'horse to set horses
#28 opened by yakld - 0
Compatibility with Epic Fight
#29 opened by Smoker120900 - 2
[1.20.1-] Horses can't be called while holding a Domestication Innovation Collar Tag, and causes the Collar Tag to be deleted
#30 opened by TBlazeWarriorT - 2
[1.20.1-] Horses always drop/dupe loot. "Disable Horse Drops" config does nothing
#31 opened by TBlazeWarriorT - 2
The current module conflicts with "Epic Fight," causing it to be unable to be set as a personal mount.
#35 opened by chunye-shanhui - 1
Issue in the Server console
#15 opened by Taknax - 1
Horse summoning near other players causes crashing
#16 opened by Ureiah - 0
Better Compatibility With Askitor Horse Carts.
#17 opened by Romoslayer - 0
[1.16.5] Gave me this exception when using the callable horse's Set Horse Key Bind
#18 opened by WolfyCowGirl9081 - 0
[1.16.5] Rollbacks, can't call horse, can't set personal horse, and duping of horses
#20 opened by AlexE7Pilou - 0
#21 opened by Mokich - 3
[1.18.2] horse stat viewer GUI crush the game
#22 opened by Scarasol - 3
Callable Horses Duplication Glitch with CarryOn
#23 opened by Darmandir - 1
1.20.1 server crash
#26 opened by knoxhack - 0
1.20.4 fork
#36 opened by karinaquill - 0
Incompatibility with 'Anger Management Mod'
#37 opened by KikoKiitszune - 0
Horse Duplication Glitch With Carry On Mod Installed
#38 opened by crafting-table-2130 - 0
Compatibility with Alex's Caves Candicorn
#40 opened by LordSeabass - 0
Stats screen doesn't work 1.20.1
#39 opened by YvngMage - 0
Any plans to add a mod to Modrinth?
#41 opened by Alter73 - 0
Incompatibility with Realistic Horse Genetics Horses
#42 opened by Fireproof-Cats - 0
CTD when using Show Horse Stats hotkey, possible conflict with Realistic Horse Genetics
#43 opened by jenapher - 1
Teleport Other Player
#1 opened by dhannyjsb - 1
Stand on grass path and call your horse, "There is not enough space here to call your horse!" will show.
#2 opened by ColaLiao - 1
[1.16.3] Sidedness issue when run on a dedicated server
#3 opened by ProsperCraft - 0
1.16.3 "can't call horse while riding"
#4 opened by mcsunnishines - 0
Server Log Spam Caused By this mod
#5 opened by celsiusqc - 0
[Suggestion] Add Command to Toggle Summoning
#6 opened by InteJason - 0
Invisible Horses
#7 opened by renandadalte