- 2
Bug in brushing items
#979 opened by cecnull1 - 0
BUG - Chisels and Bits don't work with the mod enabled
#978 opened by ensign-labs - 6
Flying rubber beasts have abnormal movement speed
#976 opened by cecnull1 - 12
few things I would like to see fixed
#975 opened by ensign-labs - 1
Crash Report
#972 opened by goldrichman9Modded - 1
cant start the modpack
#968 opened by rzgarman - 2
Conflict with ConnectedTexturesMod module
#967 opened by cecnull1 - 0
crafting reprice conflict (tipped arrows)
#966 opened by goldrichman9Modded - 4
new mob
#964 opened by hgtxsh1249 - 3
issues with partial
#963 opened by Forensic-Ut - 6
you can tame players?
#961 opened by Foxyas - 3
white latex block <- Any
#960 opened by cecnull1 - 1
Update the version
#959 opened by molrongu - 0
Stiger's arm misaligned
#958 opened by spacedan228 - 0
[0.13.1] Update Checker Thread using 100% CPU
#957 opened by TigerWalts - 3
Compatibility with the Hordes Mod
#956 opened by AbsoluteJuicer - 2
Compatibility with Iron's Spells 'n Spellbooks amour's
#954 opened by goldrichman9Modded - 9
New gamerule
#953 opened by gengyoubo - 2
i cant open minecraft with this mod cause i download shader
#949 opened by semuel555 - 2
Incompatible with OptiFine
#948 opened by NickTheWickerbeast - 4
No model for layer of a tf
#947 opened by FlashModding - 8
#944 opened by cecnull1 - 9
No model for layer changed:dark_latex_wolf_partial#main problem
#943 opened by gengyoubo - 1
code error[0.14.0]
#942 opened by gengyoubo - 3
Several dark Latex Pup Issues.
#935 opened by bijimio - 0
Game crashes on launch
#934 opened by Lavetissene - 5
Shock Particles
#932 opened by Foxyas - 1
suggestion: amour stands for furrys
#930 opened by goldrichman9Modded - 0
Epic fight compatibility
#929 opened by goldrichman9Modded - 1
Crash when loading All The Mods 7 modpack with Changed mod + Addon
#928 opened by Razoozle - 3
Sometimes absorbing a suited mob causes the mob to appear, invisible
#927 opened by spacedan228 - 3
Latexes in space
#926 opened by spacedan228 - 3
Players disconnect due to server error if a transfurred player is leashed using the Leashed mod.
#925 opened by J0w03L - 5
Can a mechanic be added?
#924 opened by gengyoubo - 5
Beyond Earth armors still cause crashes
#923 opened by spacedan228 - 1
Non-gooey beasts are capable of transfurring.
#921 opened by bijimio - 3
Incompatibility with Ars Nouveau
#920 opened by GioMaybeDev - 4
Armor is broken on 3-block tall transfurs
#918 opened by REDUX4 - 1
Some Latex Forms Have Broken / Misaligned Arms While Using Carry On.
#917 opened by bijimio - 0
[Dev Bug] Misaligned First Person Hair Layer On Gas Wolf Arm.
#916 opened by bijimio - 7
Problem with OPTIFINE
#913 opened by uran-nn - 2
[Dev Bug] Self-Drawn Goo Syringes Will Always Default to Special Latex.
#911 opened by bijimio - 0
[Dev Bug] Non-Humanoid Mobs Don't Flash Red Or Make Hurt Sounds When Hit With A Bare Fist As A Latex.
#910 opened by bijimio - 0
[Dev Bug] Latex beast NPCs are unable to damage a transfurred player.
#909 opened by bijimio - 3
Crash when wearing beyond earth space suits as a latex
#908 opened by bijimio - 4
Is he standing, or is he lying down?
#907 opened by gengyoubo - 13
Incorrect death message on absorption/replication
#906 opened by gengyoubo - 1
When entering a chest contaminated by latex it will sometimes uncontaminate the state.
#905 opened by gengyoubo - 0
Flying Latexes Can Fly While Mounted.
#903 opened by bijimio - 5
Crash at start up
#900 opened by AbsoluteJuicer